Hi All,
I have an asp.net application which contains one signup form.When
I run in IE 6.0,its working fine as for my design.. But when I run in
Mozilla, there are some 10 - 15 px extra bottom -padding between each
textbox control.( I have placed the whole form inside a table and each
textbox contols in diff cells of the table and each cells having
corresponding CSS ).. Anyone tell me how to avoid this Browser
compatibility problem....
I have an asp.net application which contains one signup form.When
I run in IE 6.0,its working fine as for my design.. But when I run in
Mozilla, there are some 10 - 15 px extra bottom -padding between each
textbox control.( I have placed the whole form inside a table and each
textbox contols in diff cells of the table and each cells having
corresponding CSS ).. Anyone tell me how to avoid this Browser
compatibility problem....