There was the same topic not so long ago, but as I see it stays w/o
As Bjarne Stroustrup said in his book,
"in Stroustrup (retranslated from German)
"Setting the global locale does not affect existing input/output
streams. The streams continue to use those locales that were assigned
them using imbue() during their creation." "
But actually I see quite the opposite behaviour.
The following code:
#include <iostream>
// #include <clocale>
#include <locale>
int main() {
std::locale loc("") ;
// std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "") ; // (1)
std::locale::global(loc) ; // (2)
// std::wcout.imbue(loc) ; // (3)
std::wcout << L"(non-ASCII national letters here)" << std::endl ;
std::wstring wstr ;
std::wcin >> wstr ;
std::wcout << L'[' << wstr << L']' << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
DOES work (it correctly inputs and outputs non-ASCII, non-"C"-locale
chars), while it SHOULD NOT (?), and if you commented out (1) and (2)
and uncommented (3) - it DOESN'T work, though it SHOULD DO (as
Stroustrup says).
More over, if you switch global locale between points of wcout usage,
int main() {
std::locale loc("") ;
std::wcout << L"(non-ASCII national letters here)" << std::endl ;
std::locale::global(loc) ; // (2)
std::wcout << L"(non-ASCII national letters here)" << std::endl ;
- wcout DOESN'T WORK correctly even after global locale switch!!!
What's wrong with my attempts to make it work??
(I'm afraid, it's one more of numerous problems/bugs of C/C++
alliance, but would happy to hear "official" answer and ways to
As Bjarne Stroustrup said in his book,
"in Stroustrup (retranslated from German)
"Setting the global locale does not affect existing input/output
streams. The streams continue to use those locales that were assigned
them using imbue() during their creation." "
But actually I see quite the opposite behaviour.
The following code:
#include <iostream>
// #include <clocale>
#include <locale>
int main() {
std::locale loc("") ;
// std::setlocale(LC_ALL, "") ; // (1)
std::locale::global(loc) ; // (2)
// std::wcout.imbue(loc) ; // (3)
std::wcout << L"(non-ASCII national letters here)" << std::endl ;
std::wstring wstr ;
std::wcin >> wstr ;
std::wcout << L'[' << wstr << L']' << std::endl ;
return 0 ;
DOES work (it correctly inputs and outputs non-ASCII, non-"C"-locale
chars), while it SHOULD NOT (?), and if you commented out (1) and (2)
and uncommented (3) - it DOESN'T work, though it SHOULD DO (as
Stroustrup says).
More over, if you switch global locale between points of wcout usage,
int main() {
std::locale loc("") ;
std::wcout << L"(non-ASCII national letters here)" << std::endl ;
std::locale::global(loc) ; // (2)
std::wcout << L"(non-ASCII national letters here)" << std::endl ;
- wcout DOESN'T WORK correctly even after global locale switch!!!
What's wrong with my attempts to make it work??
(I'm afraid, it's one more of numerous problems/bugs of C/C++
alliance, but would happy to hear "official" answer and ways to