Seems like it would. You create a bunch of threads, tell them not to run,
then tell the main thread to wait on all the stopped threads.
There's no way for this program to complete or continue.
it seems like it should just hang then. otherwise this program wouldn't be
able to work
harp:~ > cat a.rb
require 'thwait'
stopped ={ Thread.stop }
notify ={ stopped.wakeup }
ThWait.all_waits stopped
this code __should__ be able to run - but it won't. the docs say:
harp:~ > ri ThreadsWait
----------------------------------------------------- Class: ThreadsWait
This class watches for termination of multiple threads. Basic
functionality (wait until specified threads have terminated) can be
accessed through the class method ThreadsWait::all_waits. Finer
control can be gained using instance methods.
a sleeping thread has not terminated, but whose to say it won't at some point
in the future?
for instance. this is valid ruby
ruby -e'{ sleep }.join '
it just hangs forever. similarly i feel that
ThWait.all_waits{ sleep }
should also hang - not deadlock.