BUG With FormsAuthentication


Faassen, B.

The authentication cookie with custom user is not available or the user data is gone after a redirect.
In other words all the examples on the net on how to do custom FormsAuthentication don't work!

Is there a workaround for this?

Software Engineer
Hogeschool Rotterdam
The Netherlands


There is no bug this major with formsauthentication, perhaps you can provide us more details/code as to what you are doing and we will try to tell you what you are doing wrong.

Barry Faassen


Well I have implemented the IPrincipal and IIdentity interfaces. The
resulting classes are CustomPrincipal wich has a static Login member and
uses LDAP to authenticate and retrieves the user info stored in a
stucture if the login was succesfull. This works fine. No I want to Use
the Principal wich holds all the struct and other info like roles etc.
in my ASP.NET application. One way to do this is to generate a ticket
encrypt it and store the principal in a auth. cookie. Then add this
cookie to the Coookies collection. From this I do a redirect to the page
the user requested. In the Global.ASX I have implemented a event member
AcquireRequestState. In this member I trie to get the auth. cookie I
just generated and decrypt the ticket and decrypt the principal wich
should be stored in the ticket. After retrieving the Principal I can set
it on the HttpContext.Current.User and go on..
But first of all there is no cookie to get in the Global.ASAX. I never
get a cookie back except when I use FormsAuthenticate.SetAuthCookie(..)
in the Login handler
but I cant use this cookie because its empty.. If I generate the cookie
on another way the cookie will be lost after Response.Redirect(..)

I folowed the example of R. Lhotka which has a nice article about
authentication. I also used examples found in the VS.2003 MSDN docs. I
also tried some other examples but all give the same result. My cookie
will be lost somewhere.
Another trick I tried is to add an extra cookie and first call
FormsAuthencation.SetAuthCookie(..) and then create a new one add this
cookie to the collection ... In this case I will get a cookie back but
then again it is empty..

Here is my code:

public static void RedirectFromLoginPage( CustomPrincipal principal )
string principalText;
bool persistCookie = false;
if ( principal != null ) {
// Encrypt the principal so it can be safely stored
// in a cookie
principalText = CustomAuthentication.Encrypt( principal );

HttpCookie cookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(
principal.Identity.Name, false );
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket =
FormsAuthenticationTicket newticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
principalText, ticket.CookiePath);
cookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newticket);
cookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;
HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set( cookie );

newticket.IsPersistent )

public static string Encrypt(CustomPrincipal principal)
MemoryStream buffer;
IFormatter formatter;
string principalText = string.Empty;
if ( principal != null )
buffer = new MemoryStream();
formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(buffer, principal);
buffer.Position = 0;
principalText = Convert.ToBase64String( buffer.GetBuffer() );
return principalText;

public static CustomPrincipal Decrypt( string encryptedInput )
CustomPrincipal principal = null;
MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream( Convert.FromBase64String(
encryptedInput ) );
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
principal = (CustomPrincipal)formatter.Deserialize( buffer );
return principal;


private void Global_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie cookie =
if ( cookie != null )
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket =
if ( ticket.Expired )
IPrincipal principal = CustomAuthentication.Decrypt( ticket.UserData );
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = HttpContext.Current.User;


If you are having a dissapearing cookie problem, I'd ensure the path of the cookie is set how you would like it. Setting the path to "/" is probably best to make sure this isn't the problem. Also where is this redirect going? Same site, same domain? if you are using cookies it is going to have to be at least the same down to the second level domain. You can't use forms authentication on www.domain1.com and have it will work when you move over to www.domain2.com.

Just some thoughts,

Hernan de Lahitte

Watch out for the cookie size of you store custom info inside the FormsAuth
Check out this posts:


Hernan de Lahitte
Lagash Systems S.A.

This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

If you are having a dissapearing cookie problem, I'd ensure the path of the
cookie is set how you would like it. Setting the path to "/" is probably
best to make sure this isn't the problem. Also where is this redirect
going? Same site, same domain? if you are using cookies it is going to
have to be at least the same down to the second level domain. You can't use
forms authentication on www.domain1.com and have it will work when you move
over to www.domain2.com.

Just some thoughts,

Faassen, B.

Sorry but I still say there is a BUG in the FormsAuthentication class, because it still works like shit.

On some browsers it works and on some it doesnt!

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