Well I have implemented the IPrincipal and IIdentity interfaces. The
resulting classes are CustomPrincipal wich has a static Login member and
uses LDAP to authenticate and retrieves the user info stored in a
stucture if the login was succesfull. This works fine. No I want to Use
the Principal wich holds all the struct and other info like roles etc.
in my ASP.NET application. One way to do this is to generate a ticket
encrypt it and store the principal in a auth. cookie. Then add this
cookie to the Coookies collection. From this I do a redirect to the page
the user requested. In the Global.ASX I have implemented a event member
AcquireRequestState. In this member I trie to get the auth. cookie I
just generated and decrypt the ticket and decrypt the principal wich
should be stored in the ticket. After retrieving the Principal I can set
it on the HttpContext.Current.User and go on..
But first of all there is no cookie to get in the Global.ASAX. I never
get a cookie back except when I use FormsAuthenticate.SetAuthCookie(..)
in the Login handler
but I cant use this cookie because its empty.. If I generate the cookie
on another way the cookie will be lost after Response.Redirect(..)
I folowed the example of R. Lhotka which has a nice article about
authentication. I also used examples found in the VS.2003 MSDN docs. I
also tried some other examples but all give the same result. My cookie
will be lost somewhere.
Another trick I tried is to add an extra cookie and first call
FormsAuthencation.SetAuthCookie(..) and then create a new one add this
cookie to the collection ... In this case I will get a cookie back but
then again it is empty..
Here is my code:
public static void RedirectFromLoginPage( CustomPrincipal principal )
string principalText;
bool persistCookie = false;
if ( principal != null ) {
// Encrypt the principal so it can be safely stored
// in a cookie
principalText = CustomAuthentication.Encrypt( principal );
HttpCookie cookie = FormsAuthentication.GetAuthCookie(
principal.Identity.Name, false );
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket =
FormsAuthenticationTicket newticket = new FormsAuthenticationTicket(
principalText, ticket.CookiePath);
cookie.Value = FormsAuthentication.Encrypt(newticket);
cookie.Expires = ticket.Expiration;
HttpContext.Current.Response.Cookies.Set( cookie );
newticket.IsPersistent )
public static string Encrypt(CustomPrincipal principal)
MemoryStream buffer;
IFormatter formatter;
string principalText = string.Empty;
if ( principal != null )
buffer = new MemoryStream();
formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
formatter.Serialize(buffer, principal);
buffer.Position = 0;
principalText = Convert.ToBase64String( buffer.GetBuffer() );
return principalText;
public static CustomPrincipal Decrypt( string encryptedInput )
CustomPrincipal principal = null;
MemoryStream buffer = new MemoryStream( Convert.FromBase64String(
encryptedInput ) );
BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter();
principal = (CustomPrincipal)formatter.Deserialize( buffer );
return principal;
private void Global_AcquireRequestState(object sender, EventArgs e)
HttpCookie cookie =
if ( cookie != null )
FormsAuthenticationTicket ticket =
if ( ticket.Expired )
IPrincipal principal = CustomAuthentication.Decrypt( ticket.UserData );
HttpContext.Current.User = principal;
Thread.CurrentPrincipal = HttpContext.Current.User;