Building a table from within a loop




Ive got this loop within a loop and Im trying to build a table. Problem is
when I exit the 2nd foreach loop (having created a new row) I cant add the
new row because it isnt in scope anymore. Basically I have this custom
arraylist containing a name property which has multiple attributes. I loop
through the values and foreach value I do a 2nd loop to get all the values
attributes. So I guess my question is how would I build a table with 2
columns? 1st column containing the value and the 2nd column containing the
values? so it should look something like:

property1 | property attribute
| property attribute
| property attribute
Property2 | property2 attribute
Property2 | property2 attribute

Heres my code:
foreach ( CustomArrayList _object in _GlobalPropertyValues )
{ //Create a table cell for user names
usernameCell = new TableCell();
usernameCell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
usernameCell.Text = _object.propertyName;

foreach ( string _propertyName in _object )
{ //Create another table cell for user AD paths
userContainerCell = new TableCell();
userContainerCell.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid;
userContainerCell.Text = _propertyName;

//Construct the table rows
newRow = new TableRow();
newRow.Cells.Add( userContainerCell );
tblResults.Rows.Add( newRow );
//Add the cells to the table row
newRow = new TableRow();
newRow.Cells.Add( usernameCell );
//newRow.Cells.Add( userContainerCell );
tblResults.Rows.Add( newRow );

The code above produces a single column table.

Thanks for any help on this!


Sergio Florez M.

When I dinamically create tables I don't add the TableRows to the table's
Rows collection, I add them directly to its Controls collection. Same thing
with TableCells to TableRows. Never had a problem using this approach so
maybe you should try it.

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