Abu Saliha
I'm in the process of putting a version of the KISS protocol into a
module in VHDL.
It works like this.
1. Whenever a signal called Active goes high and I insert a Start
character (say, x"7D") into my FIFO as the first byte.
2. Whenever Active goes low and I insert a stop character (say x"5D")
into my stream at the end.
3. While active is high, if I see the start, stop or escape characters
in my stream, I do two things (a) insert the escape character into the
stream, (b) follow that by the complement of the start, stop or escape
byte. This requires inserting an extra byte into the stream.
The problem I am having is I am writing these to a FIFO and if I have
a constant stream of bytes to write on every clock cycle and I see an
one of the KISS bytes (stop, start or escape character) in my stream,
how do I handle writing all these bytes into the FIFO because I seem
to lose a byte that is being pulsed in because I am writing the ESC
and complement bytes into the FIFO.
If have pasted my code snippet of the FIFO and state machine that
writes into it below:
Type KissStateType Is ( KissIdle, GotStart, SntEsc);
signal KissState : KissStateType;
signal TxDataQ : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal TxEmpty_int : std_logic;
signal rd_en : std_logic;
signal FifoWr : std_logic;
signal esc_ctrl : boolean;
signal FifoDataIn, TxBuff : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Active_reg : std_logic;
component lvdm_tx_fifo_8x16
port (
din: IN std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
rd_clk: IN std_logic;
rd_en: IN std_logic;
rst: IN std_logic;
wr_clk: IN std_logic;
wr_en: IN std_logic;
dout: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
empty: OUT std_logic;
full: OUT std_logic);
end component;
U_lvmd_tx_fifo1 : lvdm_tx_fifo_8x16
port map (
rst => reset,
din => FifoDataIn,
wr_clk => TxInClk,
wr_en => FifoWr,
rd_clk => TxOutClk,
rd_en => rd_en,
dout => TxDataQ,
empty => TxEmpty_int,
full => TxFull);
esc_ctrl <= true when TxData = KISS_START else
true when TxData = KISS_END else
true when TxData = KISS_ESC else
process ( Reset, TxInClk )
if Reset = '1' then
Active_reg <= '0';
FifoDataIn <= X"00";
FifoWr <= '0';
KissState <= KissIdle;
TxBuff <= X"00";
elsif Rising_Edge (TxInClk) then
Active_Reg <= Active;
FifoWr <= '0';
case KissState is
when KissIdle =>
if Active_reg = '0' and Active = '1' and TxPulse
FifoDataIn <= KISS_START;
TxBuff <= TxData;
FifoWr <= '1';
KissState <= GotStart;
KissState <= KissIdle;
end if;
module in VHDL.
It works like this.
1. Whenever a signal called Active goes high and I insert a Start
character (say, x"7D") into my FIFO as the first byte.
2. Whenever Active goes low and I insert a stop character (say x"5D")
into my stream at the end.
3. While active is high, if I see the start, stop or escape characters
in my stream, I do two things (a) insert the escape character into the
stream, (b) follow that by the complement of the start, stop or escape
byte. This requires inserting an extra byte into the stream.
The problem I am having is I am writing these to a FIFO and if I have
a constant stream of bytes to write on every clock cycle and I see an
one of the KISS bytes (stop, start or escape character) in my stream,
how do I handle writing all these bytes into the FIFO because I seem
to lose a byte that is being pulsed in because I am writing the ESC
and complement bytes into the FIFO.
If have pasted my code snippet of the FIFO and state machine that
writes into it below:
Type KissStateType Is ( KissIdle, GotStart, SntEsc);
signal KissState : KissStateType;
signal TxDataQ : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal TxEmpty_int : std_logic;
signal rd_en : std_logic;
signal FifoWr : std_logic;
signal esc_ctrl : boolean;
signal FifoDataIn, TxBuff : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);
signal Active_reg : std_logic;
component lvdm_tx_fifo_8x16
port (
din: IN std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
rd_clk: IN std_logic;
rd_en: IN std_logic;
rst: IN std_logic;
wr_clk: IN std_logic;
wr_en: IN std_logic;
dout: OUT std_logic_VECTOR(7 downto 0);
empty: OUT std_logic;
full: OUT std_logic);
end component;
U_lvmd_tx_fifo1 : lvdm_tx_fifo_8x16
port map (
rst => reset,
din => FifoDataIn,
wr_clk => TxInClk,
wr_en => FifoWr,
rd_clk => TxOutClk,
rd_en => rd_en,
dout => TxDataQ,
empty => TxEmpty_int,
full => TxFull);
esc_ctrl <= true when TxData = KISS_START else
true when TxData = KISS_END else
true when TxData = KISS_ESC else
process ( Reset, TxInClk )
if Reset = '1' then
Active_reg <= '0';
FifoDataIn <= X"00";
FifoWr <= '0';
KissState <= KissIdle;
TxBuff <= X"00";
elsif Rising_Edge (TxInClk) then
Active_Reg <= Active;
FifoWr <= '0';
case KissState is
when KissIdle =>
if Active_reg = '0' and Active = '1' and TxPulse
FifoDataIn <= KISS_START;
TxBuff <= TxData;
FifoWr <= '1';
KissState <= GotStart;
KissState <= KissIdle;
end if;