E. Robert Tisdale said:
I don't even know of *any* implementation
that actually claims C 89/90 compliance (conformance)
let alone C 99 compliance.
OK, from page xii of the "C Language Reference" from the MS VC7.0
(circa 1991) package (it was handy):
"ANSI Conformance: Microsoft C version 7.0 conforms to the standard
for the C language as set forth in the American National Standard
(hereinafter referred to as the ANSI C standard). Microsoft
extensions to the ANSI C standard are noted in the text and syntax of
this manual as well as in the online references. Because the
extensions are not a part of the ANSI C standard, their use may
restrict portability of programs between systems. By default the
Microsoft extensions are enabled. To disable the extensions, specify
/Za on the command line. With /Za, all non-ANSI code generates errors
or warnings." (Retyped from the original hardcopy by RW, apologies in
advance for any transcription errors).
Essentially the identical paragraph is included in the online doc of
several of the newer versions of the compiler.
While one might quibble about the degree to which the MS compilers
actual meet that claim, the claim of C89/90 compliance is clearly