Having said that, I urge you strongly to resist the temptation of
I second this opinion.
the main thin i want is to use the default web browser,
What's a default web browser? A web browser is started up with a
command like "lynx", "mozilla", "netscape", or whatever. There's
no browser named "default" that I've ever heard of (and in some
shells, it's treated as a builtin command for part of a switch/case
construct). If you want to start one, name it in a command.
i don't want to open
an IE window with firefox is the users default browser or i don't want to
open netscape when their default browser is opera. is there a way to tell
what browser, like what MIME type is associated with the .html file type?
Files don't have associated MIME types system-wide. I suppose you
could say all files have the associated MIME type
virus/malicious-dont-you-dare-run-this. There's a reason for having
execute permission bits on files, and most files *DON'T* have them
set. Even root needs at least one executable permission bit set.
An Apache *SERVER* will make such MIME-type associations. I have
no idea why the knowledge that a file with extension .html is
associated with MIME type text/html will help you with the problem
you are talking about.
I also think the idea of having *ONE* app associated with a MIME type
is silly. There are generally at least TWO apps that use a particular
file type: one produces them and one uses them.
Gordon L. Burditt