Randy Yates

JS said:
Does there exist an API for C that one can search in like the API for Java?


Since C is not an "application," it does not have an "API." Do you mean
to ask if there is some type of documentation on the C standard libraries?

Richard Tobin

Does there exist an API for C that one can search in like the API for Java?
Since C is not an "application," it does not have an "API."

That's not quite the right objection: an API is an interface provided
*for* applications, not by or to one, so the fact that C is not an
application is not the reason why the question is badly phrased.
Do you mean
to ask if there is some type of documentation on the C standard libraries?

I agree that the right term is "library" - "API" implies an underlying
thing to which an interface is provided, which is not true of the
standard C library (though some parts of it such as stdio could be
considered an API to the operating system). I'm not sure whether
Java's use of the term reflects an unreasoning love of acronyms, or
something more subtle: an attempt to make the Java "platform" be a
thing apart from the language, like an operating system, and thus a
competitor to Microsoft's operating systems.

I imagine the OP wants something like the form based Java documentation
(e.g. http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/docs/api/index.html). I don't know
of such a thing for C.

-- Richard

Richard Tobin

Mars <Mars@mars> scribbled the following:
What a strange thing to say. That sounds like bsearch() is the only
function defined in ISO standard C. Even the page you gave the URL to
says otherwise.

I think "Mars" interpreted the OP's question as a request for a search
function in the C library.

-- Richard

Villy Kruse

Since C is not an "application," it does not have an "API." Do you mean
to ask if there is some type of documentation on the C standard libraries?

The standard functions defined by ANSI C would be an API, wouldn't it?
I assume API means Application Programming Interface, that is, the standard
by which you would write application programs.


Randy Yates

Since C is not an "application," it does not have an "API."

That's not quite the right objection: an API is an interface provided
*for* applications, not by or to one, so the fact that C is not an
application is not the reason why the question is badly phrased.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. My mistake.

Richard Tobin

Villy Kruse said:
The standard functions defined by ANSI C would be an API, wouldn't it?
I assume API means Application Programming Interface, that is, the standard
by which you would write application programs.

Note the word "interface". fopen() may be an interface to the operating
system, but strcmp() is just a function. Calling every library definition
an API makes the term pointless.

-- Richard


API stands for application programming interface. We have lots of
application, some database servers or some debuggers. The application
runs on a platform and does some xyz work. API are provided by the
application vendor so that users can develop their own applications (or
interfaces) using the functionalities of the application provided with
the API.

For example MySql database provides its API for programmers to use
database functionalities and do some transaction. Or similarly Oracle
provides its own API. So the point is that it is the responsibity of
the application vendor to provide the APIs so that more people should
feel free working on that application.

If we go from the above fact. Then C really does not have an API
because its not an application. Standard library is nothing but small
tool boxes to create application, so I quite agree with the fact that
there are no APIs associated with a language. We can not even say that
C is a language but gcc or for that matter any other implementation is
an application. Agreed, but if we talk about gcc API, this will be a
totally different topic than standard libraries. gcc APIs may include
interfaces to make a graphics based compiler and debugger. So, the
point is C does not have an API and standard library can not be said as

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