Hello! I ame working on a hobby-project - a simple TCP/IP server. Its purpose (for now) is to act like a chat program: send all received data from one connected client to all others.
First step is to listen on port:
void server_init(void){
int main_socket;
main_socket = create_socket(port);
/* Two filedescriptor sets for use with select() */
fd_set before; // Before calling select()
fd_set after; // Modified by select()
/* Add main socket to the 'before' fd set */
FD_SET(main_socket, &before);
int fd;
listen(main_socket, 10); // Why 10? I dont know
after = before;
if( select(FD_SETSIZE, &after, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0){
for(fd = 0; fd < FD_SETSIZE; ++fd){ /* Is using here FD_SETSIZE a good idea? */
if(FD_ISSET(fd, &after)){
if(fd == main_socket){
/* new connection */
int new_fd = client_new(fd);
Next step is to accept connections.
In globals.h file i defined a structure named client (guys at comp.lang.c helped me with pointer stuff ) :
struct _client{
char * name;
int namelen;
int fd; // file descriptor
struct sockaddr_in sock_name;
} * * client;
and a client_count variable:
int client_count;
Here is function client_new():
int client_new(int filedes){ // file descriptor the client is connected on
if(client_count == 0){
/* first client connected */
client = calloc(1, sizeof(*client));
client[0] = calloc(1, sizeof(*client[0]));
client_count = 1;
/* already have people connected */
struct _client * tmp;
if( (tmp = realloc(client, client_count * sizeof(*client[0])) ) == 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Can`t allocate memory for new client");
client = tmp;
client[client_count - 1] = calloc(1, sizeof(*client[client_count - 1]));
int new_filedes;
int addrlen = sizeof(client[client_count - 1]->sock_name);
new_filedes = accept(filedes, (& client[client_count - 1]->sock_name), &addrlen);
if(new_filedes < 0){
if(debug) printf("client[%d]->fd = %d\n", client_count - 1, new_filedes);
/* Give this client a name */
int namelen;
send(new_filedes, "server: login please: ", 24, 0);
namelen = recv(new_filedes, buffer, BUFSIZE, 0);
client[client_count - 1]->name = malloc(sizeof(char) * namelen + 1);
memcpy(client[client_count - 1]->name, buffer, namelen * sizeof(char));
if(client[client_count - 1]->name[namelen] != "\0"){
client[client_count - 1]->name[namelen] = "\0";
client[client_count - 1]->fd = new_filedes;
client[client_count - 1]->namelen = namelen;
Next step is to deliver received data to connected people (except sender).
I want to add to received string name of the client-sender, but to do this i must know which client talks to me. This is client_search(), which takes client file descriptor as argument and returns client number:
int client_search(int filedes){
int i;
i = 0;
while(i < (client_count-1)){
if(client->fd == filedes) return(i); // Here my program crashes, Segmentation fault
I think i made a mistake in client_new() function on memory allocation, but can't find it...
Any suggestions?
First step is to listen on port:
void server_init(void){
int main_socket;
main_socket = create_socket(port);
/* Two filedescriptor sets for use with select() */
fd_set before; // Before calling select()
fd_set after; // Modified by select()
/* Add main socket to the 'before' fd set */
FD_SET(main_socket, &before);
int fd;
listen(main_socket, 10); // Why 10? I dont know
after = before;
if( select(FD_SETSIZE, &after, NULL, NULL, NULL) < 0){
for(fd = 0; fd < FD_SETSIZE; ++fd){ /* Is using here FD_SETSIZE a good idea? */
if(FD_ISSET(fd, &after)){
if(fd == main_socket){
/* new connection */
int new_fd = client_new(fd);
Next step is to accept connections.
In globals.h file i defined a structure named client (guys at comp.lang.c helped me with pointer stuff ) :
struct _client{
char * name;
int namelen;
int fd; // file descriptor
struct sockaddr_in sock_name;
} * * client;
and a client_count variable:
int client_count;
Here is function client_new():
int client_new(int filedes){ // file descriptor the client is connected on
if(client_count == 0){
/* first client connected */
client = calloc(1, sizeof(*client));
client[0] = calloc(1, sizeof(*client[0]));
client_count = 1;
/* already have people connected */
struct _client * tmp;
if( (tmp = realloc(client, client_count * sizeof(*client[0])) ) == 0){
fprintf(stderr, "Can`t allocate memory for new client");
client = tmp;
client[client_count - 1] = calloc(1, sizeof(*client[client_count - 1]));
int new_filedes;
int addrlen = sizeof(client[client_count - 1]->sock_name);
new_filedes = accept(filedes, (& client[client_count - 1]->sock_name), &addrlen);
if(new_filedes < 0){
if(debug) printf("client[%d]->fd = %d\n", client_count - 1, new_filedes);
/* Give this client a name */
int namelen;
send(new_filedes, "server: login please: ", 24, 0);
namelen = recv(new_filedes, buffer, BUFSIZE, 0);
client[client_count - 1]->name = malloc(sizeof(char) * namelen + 1);
memcpy(client[client_count - 1]->name, buffer, namelen * sizeof(char));
if(client[client_count - 1]->name[namelen] != "\0"){
client[client_count - 1]->name[namelen] = "\0";
client[client_count - 1]->fd = new_filedes;
client[client_count - 1]->namelen = namelen;
Next step is to deliver received data to connected people (except sender).
I want to add to received string name of the client-sender, but to do this i must know which client talks to me. This is client_search(), which takes client file descriptor as argument and returns client number:
int client_search(int filedes){
int i;
i = 0;
while(i < (client_count-1)){
if(client->fd == filedes) return(i); // Here my program crashes, Segmentation fault
I think i made a mistake in client_new() function on memory allocation, but can't find it...
Any suggestions?