vbscript and/or javascript is most likely what I want to use!
how to do this with vbscript and/or with javascript! Which language
is better? Speed is a very important limitation, so which language
is faster in batch processing?
On unix, I would use something such as "ps -p<PID>" to determine
the activity of a process.
I am forbidden to install and use things such as cygwin because
they slow down the system too much.
rsh and ssh conflict with other applications already running on
the computer, so I can't use them.
How different is Perl from vbscript? Should I go out and buy
another book or can you give me a small script (which is easily
understandable) to do the task? You can use "ps" with "popen" in
your script. Please tell me how to run your script?
How could I use your script with C and C++? Could you give me a
simple "ps -p" like program that executes on Windows and is useable
by C/C++? Or, am I restricted to using a C/C++ "system" call with
your script?
Thank you,
Christopher Lusardi
that process is running on a Windows computer? Please explain to meFrom a SGI and a Linux box with a known PID, how do I determine if
how to do this with vbscript and/or with javascript! Which language
is better? Speed is a very important limitation, so which language
is faster in batch processing?
On unix, I would use something such as "ps -p<PID>" to determine
the activity of a process.
I am forbidden to install and use things such as cygwin because
they slow down the system too much.
rsh and ssh conflict with other applications already running on
the computer, so I can't use them.
How different is Perl from vbscript? Should I go out and buy
another book or can you give me a small script (which is easily
understandable) to do the task? You can use "ps" with "popen" in
your script. Please tell me how to run your script?
How could I use your script with C and C++? Could you give me a
simple "ps -p" like program that executes on Windows and is useable
by C/C++? Or, am I restricted to using a C/C++ "system" call with
your script?
Thank you,
Christopher Lusardi