(my last post was incomplete so this issue is being reposted)
I have an ASP.Net C# app with a Default.aspx page with an ascx user control
on the page named EditGrid.ascx given the ID myEG on the page.
I am trying to raise a custom event in this user control passing custom data
arguments. I have done this many times in VB but this is my first time in
In the default.aspx page I have the following code to subscribe to the event
along with an empty method to handle the event:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack){
myEG.RaiseCFEvent += new
EditGrid.ChangedFieldsEventHandler(this.HandleChangedEvent); }
protected void HandleChangedEvent(object sender, ChangedFieldsEventArgs
string myString = "debug";
The code below, in the ascx control, passes the proper arguments in the
this.OnRaiseCFEvent(myArgs); code but in the OnRaiseCFEvent method
RaiseCFEVent is always null so this.RaiseCFEvent(this,e); never executes.
Can anyone tell my why RaiseCFEvent is always null? As you can see there is
a subscriber
to the event.
public partial class EditGrid : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public delegate void ChangedFieldsEventHandler(object sender,
ChangedFieldsEventArgs e);
public event ChangedFieldsEventHandler RaiseCFEvent;
protected virtual void OnRaiseCFEvent(ChangedFieldsEventArgs e)
if (this.RaiseCFEvent != null)
ChangedFieldsEventArgs myArgs = new
ChangedFieldsEventArgs(gvRow.RowIndex, i, string1, string2);
public class ChangedFieldsEventArgs : EventArgs
public readonly int row, col;
public readonly string newVal, oldVal;
public ChangedFieldsEventArgs(int row, int col, string newVal, string
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
this.newVal = newVal;
this.oldVal = oldVal;
I have an ASP.Net C# app with a Default.aspx page with an ascx user control
on the page named EditGrid.ascx given the ID myEG on the page.
I am trying to raise a custom event in this user control passing custom data
arguments. I have done this many times in VB but this is my first time in
In the default.aspx page I have the following code to subscribe to the event
along with an empty method to handle the event:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!IsPostBack){
myEG.RaiseCFEvent += new
EditGrid.ChangedFieldsEventHandler(this.HandleChangedEvent); }
protected void HandleChangedEvent(object sender, ChangedFieldsEventArgs
string myString = "debug";
The code below, in the ascx control, passes the proper arguments in the
this.OnRaiseCFEvent(myArgs); code but in the OnRaiseCFEvent method
RaiseCFEVent is always null so this.RaiseCFEvent(this,e); never executes.
Can anyone tell my why RaiseCFEvent is always null? As you can see there is
a subscriber
to the event.
public partial class EditGrid : System.Web.UI.UserControl
public delegate void ChangedFieldsEventHandler(object sender,
ChangedFieldsEventArgs e);
public event ChangedFieldsEventHandler RaiseCFEvent;
protected virtual void OnRaiseCFEvent(ChangedFieldsEventArgs e)
if (this.RaiseCFEvent != null)
ChangedFieldsEventArgs myArgs = new
ChangedFieldsEventArgs(gvRow.RowIndex, i, string1, string2);
public class ChangedFieldsEventArgs : EventArgs
public readonly int row, col;
public readonly string newVal, oldVal;
public ChangedFieldsEventArgs(int row, int col, string newVal, string
this.row = row;
this.col = col;
this.newVal = newVal;
this.oldVal = oldVal;