C for 6809?


Bootstrap Bill

Are there any freeware or open source C compilers for the 6809 that will run
under Windows NT/XP and produce position independent code that will assemble
under OS9 Level II?

Mark A. Odell

Are there any freeware or open source C compilers for the 6809 that will
run under Windows NT/XP and produce position independent code that will
assemble under OS9 Level II?

You'll get answers to this in comp.arch.embedded way before you'll get an
answer you like here.

Glen Herrmannsfeldt

Mark A. Odell said:
You'll get answers to this in comp.arch.embedded way before you'll get an
answer you like here.

Probably true. I did used to have a C compiler that would run on, and
generate PIC code for, OS9 level I. I believe it generated PIC, because I
think OS9 required it. Also, OS9 is the only OS that I ever knew that put
checksums on object code and refused to load it if it didn't match. (There
was a utility to generate the right checksum when needed.) The first C
compiler that I ever bought.

-- glen

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