c interview questions wiki


Default User

Shark said:
hi everyone,

this is a wiki containing questions that might be asked by
interviewers. It can be edited by anyone, so if you have a suggestion
(a potential interview question) please add it here:


Wow, what a bunch of bad questions so far.

I like this one:

"Is return a macro or a function?"

Might as well ask, "Is a horse an amphibian or a reptile?" It has the
same answer, "No."


Richard Heathfield

Shark said:
hi everyone,

this is a wiki containing questions that might be asked by
interviewers. It can be edited by anyone, so if you have a suggestion
(a potential interview question) please add it here:

Here's my potential interview question, then.

Q: Visit this site:

....and list all the misconceptions, flaws, bugs, and idiocies you can find.
I counted 18, but I probably missed a few.

Default User

Richard said:
Here's my potential interview question, then.

Q: Visit this site:

...and list all the misconceptions, flaws, bugs, and idiocies you can
find. I counted 18, but I probably missed a few.

Good point, a collection of all the horrible things that people come up
with thinking they are insightful questions would make a good quiz. I'd
say taking one glance and fainting away would count as a pass.


Alexei A. Frounze

Good point, a collection of all the horrible things that people come up
with thinking they are insightful questions would make a good quiz. I'd
say taking one glance and fainting away would count as a pass.

And I wouldn't judge one's ability to think and program by asking the only
thing, C, the most obscure thing as life shows. I'd add the kind of
problem-solving questions as those said to be asked at microsoft. I spent
quite some time solving the sample problems I found on the net. But then I
was asked and given somewhat different questions and probs, more into my
area. Still, those all were great things to think of.


Default User

Default said:
Wow, what a bunch of bad questions so far.

I see that some people from here have been improving it!


What does a=i++; do?

* Makes those who know C cry.



Default said:
I see that some people from here have been improving it!

Regarding this question:
"How will you obtain the mantissa of a floating point number?"
and this answer:
"depends on specific compiler
It depends on what kind of floating point number it is
(IEEE754 or other?) and its type.

My question is:
Don't the modf functions return the mantissas
of floating point umbers?

Walter Roberson

Regarding this question:
"How will you obtain the mantissa of a floating point number?"
and this answer:
"depends on specific compiler
It depends on what kind of floating point number it is
(IEEE754 or other?) and its type.
My question is:
Don't the modf functions return the mantissas
of floating point umbers?

No, the modf() functions break the values into decimal integral part and
decimal fractional part. The mantissa, on the other hand, might
describe the number as written in scientific notation and then
stripped of it's exponent (the E onward), but it might also describe
the binary fraction that is internally stored in the floating
point representation (in which case the "exponent" would be the
binary exponent... and you get issues of "biases" and issues of
special representations for 0...)

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