#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class CategoryStream;
cspf is the name of a type. That type is a function pointer. That
can point to any function that takes a reference to CategoryStream
returns a reference CategoryStream.
Note: It is highly likely that the function returns the parameter
that it
typedef CategoryStream& (*cspf) (CategoryStream&);
This function can be pointed to by a cspf, because it takes a
to CategoryStream, and returns a reference to a CategoryStream:
CategoryStream & foo(CategoryStream & param)
Normally, this function is expected to do something to param.
This is
similar to sending hex to cout as in
cout << hex;
cout << "in foo\n";
return param;
class CategoryStream
CategoryStream & operator<< (cspf);
// Here is how one might use foo:
void bar()
CategoryStream stream;
// ignoring the return value here
CategoryStream& CategoryStream:
perator<< (cspf pf)
cout << "in operator<<\n";
return (*pf)(*this);
int main()
CategoryStream stream;
stream << foo;
Because operator<< returns a reference to CategoryStream, we can
cascade any number of those:
stream << foo << foo;
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