c++ standard


Wade Ward


Is there a c++ standard available free of charge?
wade ward

1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)
Westates Companies
Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
(e-mail address removed)

Wade Ward

vielen dank allerseits

South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)
Westates Companies
Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
(e-mail address removed)

Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)
Westates Companies
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)

Rolf Magnus said:
Wade said:
Erik Wikstrm said:
On 2007-10-27 08:13, Wade Ward wrote:

Is there a c++ standard available free of charge?

Drafts would be fine. A link?


Wade Ward

Gibt's nicht ein pdf dafür?

South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)
Westates Companies
Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
(e-mail address removed)

Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)
Westates Companies
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
435 -838-7760
(e-mail address removed)

Erik Wikström said:
Erik Wikstr?m said:
On 2007-10-27 08:13, Wade Ward wrote:

Is there a c++ standard available free of charge?

Drafts would be fine. A link?


Wade Ward

Default User said:
Please don't top-post. Your replies belong following or interspersed
with properly trimmed quotes. See the majority of other posts in the
newsgroup, or:

I'm a non-believer in the efficacy of blanket bottom-posting, Brian.

wade ward

Westates Companies
Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
(e-mail address removed)

Wade Ward

Erik Wikström said:
On 2007-10-28 04:33, Wade Ward wrote:

Please do not top-post. I do not speak German, but if you asked whether
the drafts are available as PDFs then the answer is yes.
Non-german-speaking with an umlaut in your moniker. Hmmm...

A pdf of a draft of the c++ standard, anyone?
wade wade

Westates Companies
Merrill Jensen Consulting
1108 W. South Jordan pkwy
(e-mail address removed)

Default User

I'm a non-believer in the efficacy of blanket bottom-posting, Brian.

Where did I say that? Please read the message again, actually paying
attention this time.



Non-german-speaking with an umlaut in your moniker. Hmmm...

It is more common than you think and is used in Finland, Sweden,
Iceland, Turkey, Estonia, and Hungary (plus some other languages).
A pdf of a draft of the c++ standard, anyone?

I already told you that drafts in PDF format are available at the site,
I will not, however, give you a direct link. You can spend the few
minutes required to find it yourself.

James Kanze

Non-german-speaking with an umlaut in your moniker. Hmmm...

Who says it's an umlaut? The correct term for the diacritical
mark is a diaersis. Umlaut is the German word for a particular
modification of the pronounciation of the vowel, indicated by a
diaersis in German; familiarly, of course, one speaks of a vowel
with diaersis as an umlaut in German. It's possible that
similar terms are used in other Germanic languages, like
Swedish, where the phonetic effect is similar. I'd certainly
not speak of an i-umlaut in the French or English word naïve,
however---in French and English, the diaersis plays a different
role. (In English, I think it is only present because the word
is a recent loan from French, but in French, and many other
languages, the diaersis is used to indicate that the vowel in
question doesn't forme a dipthong, or isn't bound in the usual
way, with a preceding or following vowel. Not an Umlaut---a
sound change---at all. Over all, I don't know why, but I'd
always imagined Erik as Swedish. In which case, the ö does
correspond to what a German would call an Umlaut---but I don't
know if a similar term is used in Swedish.)

Not that any of this has anything to do with C++, of course, but
I'm a bit of a stickler for precision (which is, IMHO, a good
personality trait to have if you develop in C++).


Who says it's an umlaut? The correct term for the diacritical
mark is a diaersis. Umlaut is the German word for a particular
modification of the pronounciation of the vowel, indicated by a
diaersis in German; familiarly, of course, one speaks of a vowel
with diaersis as an umlaut in German. It's possible that
similar terms are used in other Germanic languages, like
Swedish, where the phonetic effect is similar. I'd certainly
not speak of an i-umlaut in the French or English word naïve,
however---in French and English, the diaersis plays a different
role. (In English, I think it is only present because the word
is a recent loan from French, but in French, and many other
languages, the diaersis is used to indicate that the vowel in
question doesn't forme a dipthong, or isn't bound in the usual
way, with a preceding or following vowel. Not an Umlaut---a
sound change---at all. Over all, I don't know why, but I'd
always imagined Erik as Swedish. In which case, the ö does
correspond to what a German would call an Umlaut---but I don't
know if a similar term is used in Swedish.)

To move a bit further off-topic: Yes, I am Swedish. I think there is a
slight difference between the Swedish ö and the German in that the
Swedish alphabet is considered to have 29 letters (the Latin alphabet
plus å/Å, ä/Ä, and ö/Ö added at the end). To my knowledge the German
alphabet is normally considered to be identical the the Latin one and
the umlauts (ä, ö, and ü plus uppercase versions) and ß are not normally
considered part of the alphabet. Though I am not a linguist (or whatever
field it is that study these things) so I might be wrong.

James Kanze

On 2007-10-29 10:40, James Kanze wrote:
To move a bit further off-topic: Yes, I am Swedish. I think there is a
slight difference between the Swedish ö and the German in that the
Swedish alphabet is considered to have 29 letters (the Latin alphabet
plus å/Å, ä/Ä, and ö/Ö added at the end).

That's another difference. If you're typesetting, of course, ö
and o are different letters---back in the days of lead, they
were in separate cases, and today, they're encoded differently,
at least in Unicode and ISO 8859-x. On the other hand, yes: the
collating rules for Swedish treats them as separate letters,
whereas the collating rules for German either treat o and ö as
identical letters, or treat ö as if it were written oe. In
French, the collating rules treat o and ö as identical *unless*
the word is otherwise identical---in that case, it puts accented
characters after unaccented, evaluating from right to left!.
But collating rules can be funny---I've also seen collating in
German where sch was treated as a separate letter, after s.

My point concerning Umlaut was somewhat different. Umlaut is a
very specific pronounciation change, occuring (historically)
when there was an i or an e in the following sylable. In
German, it often has a grammatical role: singular Apfel gives
plurial Äpfel, etc. (because historically, there was a final i
that has been lost in the plurial); it also plays a role in verb
conjugations and derivation (diminutive of Frau is Fräulein; the
long i in middle German lin---which becomes ei in modern
German---causes an Umlaut on the main vowel). The word "Umlaut"
itself refers to the pronounciation change, and only secondarily
to the typographical rendition of the character. (In most
middle German texts, I think that it is rendered by a small e
written over the vowel, rather than a diaersis.)
To my knowledge the German alphabet is normally considered to
be identical the the Latin one and the umlauts (ä, ö, and ü
plus uppercase versions) and ß are not normally considered
part of the alphabet.

In Kindergarten, they do teach the same alphabet as in French or
American Kindergarten, and ignore the accents (and the ß). But
the question is a lot more complicated than that, and in the
end, depends on how you define "letter" (which in turn may
depend on what you're trying to do: sort by alphabetical order,
typeset, etc.).
Though I am not a linguist (or whatever field it is that study
these things) so I might be wrong.

I'm not a linguist either. My knowledge above is based
partially on my interest in literature and in medieval history,
and partially on my interest in Unicode and computer
typesetting. (None of which pay enough to live on, so I'm stuck
doing large scale server software in C++:). Not completely
uninteresting either, though.)

Wade Ward

(e-mail address removed)
435 -838-7760
James Kanze said:
> the drafts are available as PDFs then the answer is yes.
Non-german-speaking with an umlaut in your moniker. Hmmm...

Who says it's an umlaut? The correct term for the diacritical
mark is a diaersis. Umlaut is the German word for a particular
modification of the pronounciation of the vowel, indicated by a
diaersis in German; familiarly, of course, one speaks of a vowel
with diaersis as an umlaut in German. It's possible that
similar terms are used in other Germanic languages, like
Swedish, where the phonetic effect is similar. I'd certainly
not speak of an i-umlaut in the French or English word naïve,
however---in French and English, the diaersis plays a different
role. (In English, I think it is only present because the word
is a recent loan from French, but in French, and many other
languages, the diaersis is used to indicate that the vowel in
question doesn't forme a dipthong, or isn't bound in the usual
way, with a preceding or following vowel. Not an Umlaut---a
sound change---at all. Over all, I don't know why, but I'd
always imagined Erik as Swedish. In which case, the ö does
correspond to what a German would call an Umlaut---but I don't
know if a similar term is used in Swedish.)

What I think is interesting is how the diaretic (?) o is pronounced so very
differently in on scandahoovian country to another and to points farther

Professor Luckau insisted that we actually make vertical lines of them in
our german writing.

Wade Ward

(e-mail address removed)
435 -838-7760
Default User said:
Where did I say that? Please read the message again, actually paying
attention this time.
It's a leftover clc thing. If you don't post the way no charter nor
standard demands, you might as well grab your ankles.

Wade Ward

(e-mail address removed)
435 -838-7760
Erik Wikström said:
Non-german-speaking with a [diaresis] in your moniker. Hmmm...
A pdf of a draft of the c++ standard, anyone?

I already told you that drafts in PDF format are available at the site,
I will not, however, give you a direct link. You can spend the few
minutes required to find it yourself.
The link doesn't fire up for me.

It downloads nothing for a half second and declares itself.

What gives?

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