[Attn: My newsfeed does not carry the group
microsoft.public.dotnet.languages.csharp. If someone would please
forward this message there, I'd be very grateful. Thanks.]
Why is Chinese syntax so uneasy on the eye?
In its day, was it _really_ designed by snobby linguists to scare away
potential "n00bs"? If so, and after 5000+ years of civilization,
why do Chinese people still using that funny syntax?
These questions drive me insane. Every waking minute...
The reason Martin responded (elsebranch) so harshly to this post
is because you didn't follow Usenet etiquette. Seen in the proper
context, your post (a properly-threaded response to thread "C Syntax")
is a highly amusing counterargument to the original "n00b"'s attitude.
*However*, you failed to quote any context in your post, and then
you changed the subject line, leaving not even a "Re:" to indicate
that this was a response to a previous post (except to header-divers).
The result is that your post looks like a random off-topic post
on the Chinese language, cross-posted to two mutually unrelated
newsgroups. Which is why you got flamed.
Here is how you could have replied so as to conform to proper
netiquette and avoid p---ing people off:
==begin example==
Subject: Re: C Syntax
Why is C syntax so uneasy on the eye?
In its day, was it _really_ designed by snobby programmers to scare away
potential "n00bs"? If so, and after 50+ years of programming research,
why are programming languages still being designed with C's syntax?
These questions drive me insane. Every waking minute...
Why is Chinese syntax so uneasy on the eye?
In its day, was it _really_ designed by snobby linguists to scare away
potential "n00bs"? If so, and after 5000+ years of civilization,
why do Chinese people still using that funny syntax?
These questions drive me insane. Every waking minute...
==end example==
You see? It's now crystal clear what you intend, and the humorous
effect is preserved (in fact, it's *created*, for those people with
flaky newsfeeds who didn't read the original message (yet)).
Maybe in you get
little enough traffic that this sort of response is common and
appropriate. But is an incredibly high-traffic
group, so clear communication is essential. At best, a rude or
ignorant post wastes everyone's reading time; at worst, half a dozen
regulars write flames and/or lectures like this one, which then
waste everyone's time reading *again*. ;-)
Hope this clears things up.
And just for the record: Yes, you're right about Chinese.
[not all correct IMHO, but pretty darn close, and funny too]