This is impossible in C.
Thats also impossible to say.
The point is, C doesn't have an interface to PHP. If you want to
interface to PHP or mysql or whtever, you need to use nonstandard
extensions to C, which are not discussed in this group.
forgive me to contradict you:
As I said, I cross-posted to the PHP people, and they gave me some doc
links, that tell me in rather great detail how to do it.
As I once interfaced these same routines to Prolog, many years ago, I
suspected it could be done to PHP also. and I appear to be right.
In my opinion (which is now confirmed again) C-code can be interface
to just about anything.
The How-question is another matter: not at all easy sometimes.
As to "which are not discussed in this group":
This is weird:
My question is about connecting C-code with PHP-code.
If clc says it's off topic, logically the php groups should say so
Result would be that my question cannot have a place on Usenet. Which
again is contrary to the Usenet idea, for it's not feasible to make a
C-and-PHP group.
Number of groups would quickly become astronomical.
(think of: "" , "" and
"" ... hey come on !!)
As it is a question about C AND/OR PHP, cross-posting seems to be a
most logical thing to do **in this case**.
The answers would in both groups be limited to the appropriate "side"
of the question, I would expect.
Please feel free to disagree ;-)
friendly greetings,