David Bailey
Kind All,
Um, I need to code an elapsed time display in Ruby/Tk.
It was straightforward to use the Time class and the Time#srtftime
method to get the time in just the form I wanted: t = Time.new; puts
"Time is #{t.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")}"
Likewise, for displaying the string in a TkLabel widget:
TkLabel.new(canvas, 'text'=>"The time is #{t.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")}"
).pack( 'side'=>'top', 'padx'=>15, 'pady'=>15 )
It was also easy to understand binding in general: root.bind('q') { exit
Or to setup a callback for a TkButton press: myButton =
TkButton.new(root, 'text'=>'Click me!', 'command'=> proc { btnProc()
}).place( 'x'=>x, 'y'=>y, 'width'=>w, 'height'=>h )
But, I have searched high and low, and I can not find out how to set up
a callback for a timer event. I just want to display a time string on
the TkCanvas or TkTopLevel window once per second. I have gone through
a Perl/Tk reference book and I'm still having trouble figuring out how
to "translate" this into Ruby/Tk.
I'll of course keep searching and trying stuff, but if anyone
knowledgeable has a code example of how to this, or can point me to one,
or point me to a reference to the technique, I'd be grateful. Thank you
and best regards,
Um, I need to code an elapsed time display in Ruby/Tk.
It was straightforward to use the Time class and the Time#srtftime
method to get the time in just the form I wanted: t = Time.new; puts
"Time is #{t.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")}"
Likewise, for displaying the string in a TkLabel widget:
TkLabel.new(canvas, 'text'=>"The time is #{t.strftime("%I:%M:%S %p")}"
).pack( 'side'=>'top', 'padx'=>15, 'pady'=>15 )
It was also easy to understand binding in general: root.bind('q') { exit
Or to setup a callback for a TkButton press: myButton =
TkButton.new(root, 'text'=>'Click me!', 'command'=> proc { btnProc()
}).place( 'x'=>x, 'y'=>y, 'width'=>w, 'height'=>h )
But, I have searched high and low, and I can not find out how to set up
a callback for a timer event. I just want to display a time string on
the TkCanvas or TkTopLevel window once per second. I have gone through
a Perl/Tk reference book and I'm still having trouble figuring out how
to "translate" this into Ruby/Tk.
I'll of course keep searching and trying stuff, but if anyone
knowledgeable has a code example of how to this, or can point me to one,
or point me to a reference to the technique, I'd be grateful. Thank you
and best regards,