I've seen code which changes a paragraph into a textarea (to allow it
to be edited)...by creating a brand new text area, inserting that into
the dom at the right place, and deleting the paragraph from the dom.
I.e. http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/cms.html
What I'm wondering is: is there some way to simplify this? Can I
just tell the paragraph to become a textarea?
I'm pretty sure the answer is no...but I want to make sure there is no
I've seen code which changes a paragraph into a textarea (to allow it
to be edited)...by creating a brand new text area, inserting that into
the dom at the right place, and deleting the paragraph from the dom.
I.e. http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/cms.html
What I'm wondering is: is there some way to simplify this? Can I
just tell the paragraph to become a textarea?
I'm pretty sure the answer is no...but I want to make sure there is no