jt2190 said:
In addition to the question in the subject line, if the answer is yes,
is it possible to locate keywords as part of the functionality of said
crawler (bot, spider)?
Basically, I would like to write a stand-alone form (javascript app.)
to perform a site-specific keyword search.
Can I do the aforementioned in Javascript?
(I'm assuming that you want something that will run completely inside
of your web browser, and not use Adobe AIR, a Java applet, Firefox
plugin, or anything like that.) I am certain that you can do this.
You'd have to have the web crawler/search logic in one window/frame,
and have it pilot a second window/frame to various web pages, and
search their contents. This probably wouldn't bee too fast, [...]
It would not be possible due to the Same Origin Policy, unless the search
would be limited to the OP's site and they would not use frame-breaking
scripts in it at all. But even then one would have to determine when a
document was fully loaded before its content could be accessed. That would
require proprietary markup or the equivalence thereof as it appears that
standards compliant events do not work there, and that would limit the
number of UAs where this approach could work.
realism: HTML 4.01 Strict
evangelism: XHTML 1.0 Strict
madness: XHTML 1.1 as application/xhtml+xml
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