Andrew Thompson
Can runtime arguments be included in the manifest (and be
handed to the main() as a String[])?
I was playing with stand alone Jar's (not applets or webstart)
the other day and could well have used the ability to pass arguments
to the main class. Trawling through the Jar file manifest
with its conspicuous lack of mention of runtime arguments, makes
me suspect it is not commonly (if ever) done - is that right?
If it can be done, how? I added attributes in the Ant (Manifest) task
'arg', 'args', 'argument' and 'arguments' without getting any
handed to the main class.
handed to the main() as a String[])?
I was playing with stand alone Jar's (not applets or webstart)
the other day and could well have used the ability to pass arguments
to the main class. Trawling through the Jar file manifest
with its conspicuous lack of mention of runtime arguments, makes
me suspect it is not commonly (if ever) done - is that right?
If it can be done, how? I added attributes in the Ant (Manifest) task
'arg', 'args', 'argument' and 'arguments' without getting any
handed to the main class.