Can someone tell me how to fix the 1st inner loop? I want the user to be able to quit the program inputting quit but its not working

Mar 16, 2025
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# chips = 1.00
# chocolate = 1.50
# soda = 1.20
# ch=("chips")
# cho=("chocolate")
# sod=("soda")
# while True:
# print("""Welcome to the Vending Machine!
# Items Available:
# 1. Chips - £1.00
# 2. Chocolate - £1.50
# 3. Soda - £1.20""")
# try:
# choice = int(input("Please select between 1-3: "))
# if choice in [1,2,3]:
# if choice==1:
# print(f"You selected {ch} which is £{chips}")
# price=chips
# elif choice ==2:
# print(f"you selected {cho} which is £{chocolate}")
# price=chocolate
# elif choice ==3:
# print(f"you selected {sod} which is £{soda}")
# price=soda
# else:
# print("Invalid please select between 1 and 3")
# continue
# except ValueError:
# print('Invalid Input, You must select a NUMBER between 1-3')
# continue
# s=True
# money = input('Please insert your money (CASH GBP Only) under £10: ')
# while True:
# if money.lower() == "quit":
# print("Transaction cancelled. Get your money up")
# s=False
# break
# try:
# money = float(money)
# if money > 10 or money<1:
# print("You cannot insert money greater or lower than £10 or enter " ,0.0)
# continue
# else:
# break
# except ValueError:
# print("Invalid input. Please enter a number. or enter [exit]")
# continue
# change= money-price
# if money < price:
# while True:
# print("You do not have enough!")
# change2 = input('Please insert more change or input "quit" to exit: ')
# # Check if the user wants to quit
# if change2.lower() == 'quit':
# print("Transaction cancelled. Get your money up")
# print("-" * 100)
# break
# try:
# change2 = float(change2)
# money+=change2
# if money >= price:
# if money == price:
# print("You have paid the exact amount. No change due.")
# print("-" * 100)
# break
# else:
# change2 = money - price
# print("You have paid the price of the product")
# print(f"Here's your change: £{round(change2, 2)}")
# print("-" * 100)
# break
# else:
# print(f"You still need £{price - money:.2f} more.")
# except ValueError:
# print("Invalid input. Please enter a valid amount or type 'quit' to exit.")
# elif money == price:
# print("You have enough to purchase this item.")
# print("Goodbye :)")
# print("-" * 100)
# elif money > price:
# print(f"Here is your change: ", round(change,3))
# print("Goodbye :)")
# print("-"*100)

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