Martin Gill
I'm trying to learn perl, so i've been playing with some of the examples
in the documentation.
I tried creating a simple script with Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage.
When I use pod2usage(-verbose => x) where x is less than two, i don't
get to see my SYNOPSIS block, in fact, i get to see nothing at all.
I thought it was my script, so I copy/pasted the example script into a
new file and ran that. Same result.
A quick search in google revealed some old messages in this group that
talked about line endings being a problem. I use SciTE as my editor, so
it was nice and easy to change the line endings of my file. I tried
CR/LF, LF on its own, and CR on it's own as line endings, but still no luck.
Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?
I've attached the sample code I'm working from to the email.
I'm running:
This is perl, v5.8.4 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Binary build 810 provided by ActiveState Corp.
Built Jun 1 2004 11:52:21
On Windows XP Pro SP2.
Thanks for any help,
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
## Parse options and print usage if there is a syntax error,
## or if usage was explicitly requested.
GetOptions('help|?' => \$help, man => \$man) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
## If no arguments were given, then allow STDIN to be used only
## if it's not connected to a terminal (otherwise print usage)
pod2usage("$0: No files given.") if ((@ARGV == 0) && (-t STDIN));
=head1 NAME
sample - Using GetOpt::Long and Pod::Usage
sample [options] [file ...]
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
B<This program> will read the given input file(s) and do something
useful with the contents thereof.
I'm trying to learn perl, so i've been playing with some of the examples
in the documentation.
I tried creating a simple script with Getopt::Long and Pod::Usage.
When I use pod2usage(-verbose => x) where x is less than two, i don't
get to see my SYNOPSIS block, in fact, i get to see nothing at all.
I thought it was my script, so I copy/pasted the example script into a
new file and ran that. Same result.
A quick search in google revealed some old messages in this group that
talked about line endings being a problem. I use SciTE as my editor, so
it was nice and easy to change the line endings of my file. I tried
CR/LF, LF on its own, and CR on it's own as line endings, but still no luck.
Anyone have any ideas what I am doing wrong?
I've attached the sample code I'm working from to the email.
I'm running:
This is perl, v5.8.4 built for MSWin32-x86-multi-thread
Binary build 810 provided by ActiveState Corp.
Built Jun 1 2004 11:52:21
On Windows XP Pro SP2.
Thanks for any help,
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
my $man = 0;
my $help = 0;
## Parse options and print usage if there is a syntax error,
## or if usage was explicitly requested.
GetOptions('help|?' => \$help, man => \$man) or pod2usage(2);
pod2usage(1) if $help;
pod2usage(-verbose => 2) if $man;
## If no arguments were given, then allow STDIN to be used only
## if it's not connected to a terminal (otherwise print usage)
pod2usage("$0: No files given.") if ((@ARGV == 0) && (-t STDIN));
=head1 NAME
sample - Using GetOpt::Long and Pod::Usage
sample [options] [file ...]
-help brief help message
-man full documentation
=head1 OPTIONS
=over 8
=item B<-help>
Print a brief help message and exits.
=item B<-man>
Prints the manual page and exits.
B<This program> will read the given input file(s) and do something
useful with the contents thereof.