Hello all,
I just happened to come across the "Burst Engine" by Alistair MacDonald
(@F1LT3R) for animating svg graphics in an html-5 canvas.
There is a demo and a nifty step-by-step video of how it was created
here: http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/rendering-svg-canvas-burst/
It looked interesting enough to me, to want to download and give it a whirl.
The demo and the video are from mid-2009 though, the package available
for download at http://github.com/F1LT3R/burst or at http://bocoup.com/
is from early 2009, and it seems hard to find even a mention of the
"Burst Engine" that is any newer than those dates.
I am wondering what's up with that project. Has anything happened to it
over the last year or so? Is it dead? Has it been replaced or made
redundant or irrelevant by something newer and better? Forked and being
developed under some other name? Bought up by big bucks and vanished
into the corridors of corporate boredom never to be heard of again? Or
anything else?
I just happened to come across the "Burst Engine" by Alistair MacDonald
(@F1LT3R) for animating svg graphics in an html-5 canvas.
There is a demo and a nifty step-by-step video of how it was created
here: http://hacks.mozilla.org/2009/06/rendering-svg-canvas-burst/
It looked interesting enough to me, to want to download and give it a whirl.
The demo and the video are from mid-2009 though, the package available
for download at http://github.com/F1LT3R/burst or at http://bocoup.com/
is from early 2009, and it seems hard to find even a mention of the
"Burst Engine" that is any newer than those dates.
I am wondering what's up with that project. Has anything happened to it
over the last year or so? Is it dead? Has it been replaced or made
redundant or irrelevant by something newer and better? Forked and being
developed under some other name? Bought up by big bucks and vanished
into the corridors of corporate boredom never to be heard of again? Or
anything else?