the following (random) code crashes my interpreter
(python 2.4.3/winxp):
from types import CodeType as code
exec code(0, 5, 8, 0, "hello moshe", (), (), (), "", "", 0, "")
i would expect the interpreter to do some verifying, at least for
sanity (valid opcodes, correct stack size, etc.) before executing
artbitrary code... after all, it was the BDFL who said """I'm not
saying it's uncrashable. I'm saying that if you crash it, it's a
bug unless proven harebrained."""
(python 2.4.3/winxp):
from types import CodeType as code
exec code(0, 5, 8, 0, "hello moshe", (), (), (), "", "", 0, "")
i would expect the interpreter to do some verifying, at least for
sanity (valid opcodes, correct stack size, etc.) before executing
artbitrary code... after all, it was the BDFL who said """I'm not
saying it's uncrashable. I'm saying that if you crash it, it's a
bug unless proven harebrained."""