I wonder how casting with function pointers work, how it "should be"
handled and how it "should not be" handled. Can anyone tell whether
the below code should work or not?
Module: taskAbstraction.c
int taskCreate(char* taskName, void* funcPtr, int
myTaskStructure TaskProperties;
int TaskId, errStatus;
//Casting void* funcPtr to function pointer that returns void and
accepts no arguments
TaskProperties.entryPtr = (void ()(void)* ) funcPtr;
errStatus = rtosTaskCreate( taskName, &TaskProperties, &TaskId);
Module: SomeClass.cpp
void someClass::taskLoop( int taskArgument)
void someClass::initialize( void )
taskCreate( "Task1", (void* )&taskLoop, 25,.....);
Module: SomeOtherClass.cpp
int myTaskEntryReturnsInt( void )
SomeOtherClass::initialize( void )
taskCreate( "Task2", (void* )&myTaskEntryReturnsInt, 30,.....);
Module: AnotherClass.cpp
void myTaskEntryTakesInt( int TaskArg )
AnotherClass::initialize( void )
taskCreate( "Task3", (void* )&myTaskEntryTakesInt, 40,.....);
My question is whether these kind of casting for function pointers is
valid. If valid should it work with a predictable behavior or the
behavior is undefined.
handled and how it "should not be" handled. Can anyone tell whether
the below code should work or not?
Module: taskAbstraction.c
int taskCreate(char* taskName, void* funcPtr, int
myTaskStructure TaskProperties;
int TaskId, errStatus;
//Casting void* funcPtr to function pointer that returns void and
accepts no arguments
TaskProperties.entryPtr = (void ()(void)* ) funcPtr;
errStatus = rtosTaskCreate( taskName, &TaskProperties, &TaskId);
Module: SomeClass.cpp
void someClass::taskLoop( int taskArgument)
void someClass::initialize( void )
taskCreate( "Task1", (void* )&taskLoop, 25,.....);
Module: SomeOtherClass.cpp
int myTaskEntryReturnsInt( void )
SomeOtherClass::initialize( void )
taskCreate( "Task2", (void* )&myTaskEntryReturnsInt, 30,.....);
Module: AnotherClass.cpp
void myTaskEntryTakesInt( int TaskArg )
AnotherClass::initialize( void )
taskCreate( "Task3", (void* )&myTaskEntryTakesInt, 40,.....);
My question is whether these kind of casting for function pointers is
valid. If valid should it work with a predictable behavior or the
behavior is undefined.