I am trying to use Castor for marshalling my object. I have not
provided any mapping file as of now. The Object that i try to marshall
has a java.util.Properties. Basically the documentation at
http://castor.exolab.org/xml-mapping.html#3.-The-Mapping-File says
that when we have a hashtable all the keys and values are also
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<validator-configuration activated="true">
<selection-criteria ..........>
<xpaths empty="false"/>
<configured-properties empty="false"/>
Here xpaths and configured-properties are java.util.Properties objects
but they were not marshalled there is just a tag saying that empty
flag is false. I will need all key and values to be marshalled. Is
there any way i can achieve this.
Kannan Ekanath
I am trying to use Castor for marshalling my object. I have not
provided any mapping file as of now. The Object that i try to marshall
has a java.util.Properties. Basically the documentation at
http://castor.exolab.org/xml-mapping.html#3.-The-Mapping-File says
that when we have a hashtable all the keys and values are also
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<validator-configuration activated="true">
<selection-criteria ..........>
<xpaths empty="false"/>
<configured-properties empty="false"/>
Here xpaths and configured-properties are java.util.Properties objects
but they were not marshalled there is just a tag saying that empty
flag is false. I will need all key and values to be marshalled. Is
there any way i can achieve this.
Kannan Ekanath