Is it possible to use some C or compiler extension to catch
integer overflow?
The situation is as follows:
I use C as target language for compiled Seed7 programs.
For integer computions the C type 'long' is used.
That way native C speed can be reached.
Now I want to experiment with raising a Seed7 exception
(which is emulated with setjmp(), longjmp() in C) for integer
overflow. Since the C int's and long's have undefined
behaviour on overflow, I hope to use some C or compiler
extensions to implement the overflow exceptions.
I know that a check before every integer computation
could be used to recognice an overflow, but it is not my
intention to slow down normal computations.
Normal C programs which do integer computations should
have no overhead. When an overflow happens a signal or
something else should happen that I can use to emulate
an exception.
Are there ideas to solve this problem?
Greetings Thomas Mertes
Seed7 Homepage: http://seed7.sourceforge.net
Seed7 - The extensible programming language: User defined statements
and operators, abstract data types, templates without special
syntax, OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, statically typed,
interpreted or compiled, portable, runs under linux/unix/windows.
integer overflow?
The situation is as follows:
I use C as target language for compiled Seed7 programs.
For integer computions the C type 'long' is used.
That way native C speed can be reached.
Now I want to experiment with raising a Seed7 exception
(which is emulated with setjmp(), longjmp() in C) for integer
overflow. Since the C int's and long's have undefined
behaviour on overflow, I hope to use some C or compiler
extensions to implement the overflow exceptions.
I know that a check before every integer computation
could be used to recognice an overflow, but it is not my
intention to slow down normal computations.
Normal C programs which do integer computations should
have no overhead. When an overflow happens a signal or
something else should happen that I can use to emulate
an exception.
Are there ideas to solve this problem?
Greetings Thomas Mertes
Seed7 Homepage: http://seed7.sourceforge.net
Seed7 - The extensible programming language: User defined statements
and operators, abstract data types, templates without special
syntax, OO with interfaces and multiple dispatch, statically typed,
interpreted or compiled, portable, runs under linux/unix/windows.