Congratulations Mike, you have managed to reduce the expert pool in this
group by 1 today.
If you are only interested in 'pure' C++ then you had better dissuade all
those people who need help linking to DLLs, coding for networks (TCP-IP is
not C++), programming in C++ for windows etc. In fact you will probably
alienate most people who use C++.
If you read your own answer regarding VB6 on the 6/6/04, you will notice
that you talk about Fortran - now how you can possibly think that either
Fortran or VB is 'topical' in a C++ forum is beyond me. If you check with
someone who knows about matters other than pure C++ (unlike yourself), you
will find that Fortran and VB are both other programming languages and I
don't think you should be talking about them here. Perhaps you should go
away and 'educate yourself'. You have let the group down and therefore let
yourself down.
You recommend that I should educate myself - I did say this was the first
time I have used newsgroups and there is a reason for that - in 9 years of
C++ programming, I have never needed to come to a newsgroup for help as I or
my colleagues have either been able to solve any problems we have
encountered, or found a solution in books or computer based reference
For your education, I repeat that am not programming in MS Access, but I am
using the CDAO library classes as bundled with Visual C++. The error
messages being generated at run-time are from this library of CDao classes.
These classes provide the programmer with access to the Microsoft Database
Access Objects. Whilst it is the same underlying functionality as sits
behind the MS Access tool, MS Access is not even required on the same PC to
write the code I am working with. Perhaps you should get your facts straight
before you start comparing C++ to MS Access - something you have clearly
shown that you are ignorant about. This technique is called reuse - a
technique whereby a number of programmes share the same DLLs or libraries,
reducing testing time, development time, disk and code space etc, but of
course you wouldn't know about that because you only know purely about the
C++ language - perhaps you should broaden your horizons and join the real
world rather than wasting everyone's time berating newcomers in the world of
I think you are rude and abrupt and I do not want to have anything more to
do with this newsgroup. Quite how you managed to be placed in charge, I
don't know, but I think it was a mistake as your knowledge is obviously
extremely limited. I will be disconnecting from it once I have posted this
reply, so as not to give you the satisfaction of knowing that I am reading
another of your snotty replies.
A good education about what Usenet is, how it works, and
how to use it courteously and effectively is available at:
I think you should go away and read the part about being courteous!
I hope you enjoy fielding off other future experts.