Eddie Price
I have a web database that just keeps users info for clients
uploading/downloading files. Whenever someone uploads a new file this
script sends out an email to notify the company. Script only works for a
short time once I change my email adddress, then just stops. Can't
figure it out, any help would be great.
Function SendMail(EmailComponent, RemoteHost, SenderAddress, SenderName,
RecipientAddress, RecipientName, strSubject, strBody, isHTML)
if SenderName = "" then SenderName = SenderAddress
if RecipientName = "" then RecipientName = RecipientAddress
IF EmailComponent = "CDONTS" THEN
Set mailObj = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mailObj.From = SenderAddress
mailObj.To = RecipientName
mailObj.Subject = strSubject
mailObj.Body = strBody
mailObj.BodyFormat = 0
mailObj.MailFormat = 0
uploading/downloading files. Whenever someone uploads a new file this
script sends out an email to notify the company. Script only works for a
short time once I change my email adddress, then just stops. Can't
figure it out, any help would be great.
Function SendMail(EmailComponent, RemoteHost, SenderAddress, SenderName,
RecipientAddress, RecipientName, strSubject, strBody, isHTML)
if SenderName = "" then SenderName = SenderAddress
if RecipientName = "" then RecipientName = RecipientAddress
IF EmailComponent = "CDONTS" THEN
Set mailObj = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
mailObj.From = SenderAddress
mailObj.To = RecipientName
mailObj.Subject = strSubject
mailObj.Body = strBody
mailObj.BodyFormat = 0
mailObj.MailFormat = 0