Platform WinSVR 2003 IIS 6
Having installed and registered CDONTS.dll in \system32, I am still
experiencing the following error message when runnng the intranet web site.
(And my boss is getting edgy with me)
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/po/SaveAddPO.asp, line 139
Line 139 is as follows
138 set fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
139 set file = fspenTextFile(strFileName,ForWriting ,true)
I have worked thru Knowledgebase Articles 197619, 286301 (Except 197964,
which I don't like the look of) with no
Both IUSR_MachineName and IWAM_Machinename have read/write permissions for
the Access Database & its Temp folder.
Can anyone indicate where I'm going wrong. TIA,Simon
Having installed and registered CDONTS.dll in \system32, I am still
experiencing the following error message when runnng the intranet web site.
(And my boss is getting edgy with me)
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a004c'
Path not found
/po/SaveAddPO.asp, line 139
Line 139 is as follows
138 set fso = server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
139 set file = fspenTextFile(strFileName,ForWriting ,true)
I have worked thru Knowledgebase Articles 197619, 286301 (Except 197964,
which I don't like the look of) with no
Both IUSR_MachineName and IWAM_Machinename have read/write permissions for
the Access Database & its Temp folder.
Can anyone indicate where I'm going wrong. TIA,Simon