I am having a problem getting a CDOSYS mail form working. the form processes
ok on the server however the email is never received.
The page was running fine with CDONTS until the server was upgraded,
unfortunately the hosting company didn't bother to inform me so I have
several mail forms that no longer work.
I have used the code provided by my hosting company. (creating the object &
setting the fields), but I cant get the form to send a mail.
Is this an error in my code, their code or a problem with the server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
Flds("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 1
ry") = "c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup"
strBody = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"">" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "<html><head><title>Quote</title></head><body
bgcolor=silver><font face=arial size=3><p>Email from Fully Present Web
site</p> <p><b>Name:</b> "
strBody = strBody & strFromName
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>Email:</b> "
strBody = strBody & strFromEmail
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>Subject:</b> "
strBody = strBody & strSubject
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>Content:</b> <br>"
strBody = strBody & strContent
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>"
'strBody = strBody & strAdd
strBody = strBody & "to Mail List</b> </p></font></body></html>"
Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
iMsg.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
iMsg.From = Trim(Request.Form("Email"))
iMsg.Subject = Trim(Request.Form("Subject"))
iMsg.TextBody = Trim(Request.Form("Content"))
Response.Redirect "thanks.asp"
ok on the server however the email is never received.
The page was running fine with CDONTS until the server was upgraded,
unfortunately the hosting company didn't bother to inform me so I have
several mail forms that no longer work.
I have used the code provided by my hosting company. (creating the object &
setting the fields), but I cant get the form to send a mail.
Is this an error in my code, their code or a problem with the server.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Set iMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message")
Set iConf = CreateObject("CDO.Configuration")
Set Flds = iConf.Fields
Flds("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 1
ry") = "c:\inetpub\mailroot\pickup"
strBody = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC ""-//IETF//DTD HTML//EN"">" & vbCrLf
strBody = strBody & "<html><head><title>Quote</title></head><body
bgcolor=silver><font face=arial size=3><p>Email from Fully Present Web
site</p> <p><b>Name:</b> "
strBody = strBody & strFromName
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>Email:</b> "
strBody = strBody & strFromEmail
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>Subject:</b> "
strBody = strBody & strSubject
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>Content:</b> <br>"
strBody = strBody & strContent
strBody = strBody & "</p><p><b>"
'strBody = strBody & strAdd
strBody = strBody & "to Mail List</b> </p></font></body></html>"
Set iMsg.Configuration = iConf
iMsg.To = "(e-mail address removed)"
iMsg.From = Trim(Request.Form("Email"))
iMsg.Subject = Trim(Request.Form("Subject"))
iMsg.TextBody = Trim(Request.Form("Content"))
Response.Redirect "thanks.asp"