Zach said:
You only suggested one procedure
Your only suggestion, and not three, appears to be the least preferred.
In my reply to the email that you sent me I said what the members here
in this group would need to assist you in decreasing order of desirability:
"This as I said on Usenet is not very informative for debug HTML and
CSS. The output of server side code is what we need. Just like this
Perl is not helpful:
print header,html(head(title('foo')),body(h1('Simple page'),p('this is
pretty simple!'),ul(li([a({-href=>@ls},\@ts)]))));
You need to either setup up a temporary public ASP page that we can
access to see the resultant generated HTML and CSS (best).
Or access the sample page yourself and then make a static HTML document
from the generated source on a public server (okay)
Or post the source (not so good because it means someone has to paste
you code to some file of webserver of their own to debug)"
and you did the third and sent me the source. Unfortunately the source was:
<form id="form1" runat="server">
anel ID="Dummy" runat="server" CssClass="Wrapper1">
<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server"
ImageUrl="~/TopBand4.png" />
anel ID="BasePanel" runat="server"
Cssclass="BasePanel" ></asp
which is not the HTML output but the ASP code.