Hello all!
Please if this is not the appropriate group, point my to the right
I am trying to find since a good while, how to convince the CGI server
module, not to replace the ampersand, by &
I have an array like follows with two entity encoded *Umlauts*:
my @element_liste =
{ type => "text", name => "email",
bez => "Email (zur Auftragsbestätigung):", size =>
36 },
{ type => "text", name => "fahrgast",
bez => "Fahrgäste:", size => 36, muss => 1 },
and later the cgi I is producing a form with :
foreach my $f (@{$element_liste_ref})
print escapeHTML ($f->{bez}), " ",
textfield (-name => $f->{name},
-size => $f->{size}),
br (), "\n";
How to prevent, that the entity encoded ä is coming back as
ä ?
In my @element_liste I tried with every imaginable tricks, like :
bez => "Fahrgäste:",
bez => "Fahrg\äste:",
bez => "Fahrg\\äste:",
bez => "Fahrgäste:",
or remove the escapeHTML
The header of the cgi is:
print header (),
start_html (-dtd => '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN',
-title => "Title",
-lang => 'de',
which is producing the non valid <body charset="utf-8">. On the server
is running unfortunately an outdated CGI version: CGI.pm Version:
Thank you for your help.
Please if this is not the appropriate group, point my to the right
I am trying to find since a good while, how to convince the CGI server
module, not to replace the ampersand, by &
I have an array like follows with two entity encoded *Umlauts*:
my @element_liste =
{ type => "text", name => "email",
bez => "Email (zur Auftragsbestätigung):", size =>
36 },
{ type => "text", name => "fahrgast",
bez => "Fahrgäste:", size => 36, muss => 1 },
and later the cgi I is producing a form with :
foreach my $f (@{$element_liste_ref})
print escapeHTML ($f->{bez}), " ",
textfield (-name => $f->{name},
-size => $f->{size}),
br (), "\n";
How to prevent, that the entity encoded ä is coming back as
&auml; ?
In my @element_liste I tried with every imaginable tricks, like :
bez => "Fahrgäste:",
bez => "Fahrg\äste:",
bez => "Fahrg\\äste:",
bez => "Fahrg&auml;ste:",
or remove the escapeHTML
The header of the cgi is:
print header (),
start_html (-dtd => '-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN',
-title => "Title",
-lang => 'de',
which is producing the non valid <body charset="utf-8">. On the server
is running unfortunately an outdated CGI version: CGI.pm Version:
Thank you for your help.