CGI autoflush in Window


Herman Chan


I have the following script


#!D:/Perl/bin/Perl.exe -w

use strict;
use CGI ":standard";
$| = 1;

my $MYFILE = "D:\\Apache\\logs\\mgmtwrkstn\\lucky.txt";

if (param("monitor")) {
} else {
if (fork) { # only need to fork for IE
print redirect(-uri => url() . "?monitor=yes",
} else {
sub monitor
my $html = &draw_page();

if (defined $html) {
print header(-refresh=>1, -nph=>1), $html;
} else {
print header(-nph=>1), &goodbye();
sub goodbye
return start_html(-title=>"Goodbye!") . h1("Goodbye!") .
sub get_number
open NUMBER, "<$MYFILE" or return undef;
my $number = @glo;
close NUMBER;

return $number;
sub draw_page
my $number = &get_number();

return (defined $number) ? start_html(-title=>"Your Lucky
Number") . p("Your lucky number is $number.") . end_html() : undef;

sub do_stuff
for my $i (1 .. 10)
open NUMBER2, ">$MYFILE";
print NUMBER2 $i;
close NUMBER2;

sleep 1;

unlink $MYFILE;


What this script essentially do is that it forks a child process to
write 1 to 10 on some file, while writing it, the parent process will
refresh the page every second to read the content of that file. This
script is orginally from

It works under Unix environment with apache. However, when I run this
script in W2K and apache 1.3.x. It doesn't work. It seems like that
the child process is locking the files its writing to and the parent
process can't go into it(even with autoflush on). Therefore, the
parent process doesn't refresh the page until the child process unlink
("delete") the file. Can anyone help me on this one? I am a newbie on
Perl and CGI and I want to continuosly monitor some background job on
a web page.


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