I was just wondering if / how would it be possible to create secure
sessions for a website using Python CGI... I thought of using cookies,
and things looked promising for a while; I could login through a form
which pointed to a cgi script which created sent the user cookies, but
I found that when a script to detect the cookies was run through a
server side include line in the html, it couldn't get any cookies, but
it would work fine when run directly through the browser (which is
useless to me).
If anybody could help with this it would be great. Python is the only
programming language that I'm relatively comfortable in at the moment,
so using the usual PHP or Javascript just isn't an option for me
I was just wondering if / how would it be possible to create secure
sessions for a website using Python CGI... I thought of using cookies,
and things looked promising for a while; I could login through a form
which pointed to a cgi script which created sent the user cookies, but
I found that when a script to detect the cookies was run through a
server side include line in the html, it couldn't get any cookies, but
it would work fine when run directly through the browser (which is
useless to me).
If anybody could help with this it would be great. Python is the only
programming language that I'm relatively comfortable in at the moment,
so using the usual PHP or Javascript just isn't an option for me