I'm trying to make a slide show, with two frames: on the left frame small
thumbnails, and on the right frame the big sized image. Of course when the
user clicks on a thumbnail in the left frame, this image should be shown in
the right frame.
As I have a large number of pictures I don't want to have a separate page
for each picture, and use javascript instead.
I would like to use this in the left frame (see full code below):
My question:
I wonder if this is widely supported.
The code: three pages: the frameset, the left frame and the right frame.
The frameset:
<frameset cols="25%,75%">
<frame src="thumbs.htm" name="left_frame">
<frame src="diapo.htm" name="right_frame">
The left frame (thumbs.htm):
<script language="javascript">
function change_img(N){ parent.right_frame.big_image.src=N + ".jpg"; }
<a href="javascript:change_img(1);"><img src="1s.jpg"></a>
<a href="javascript:change_img(2);"><img src="2s.jpg"></a>
The right frame (diapo.htm):
<img id="big_image" src="1.jpg">
I'm trying to make a slide show, with two frames: on the left frame small
thumbnails, and on the right frame the big sized image. Of course when the
user clicks on a thumbnail in the left frame, this image should be shown in
the right frame.
As I have a large number of pictures I don't want to have a separate page
for each picture, and use javascript instead.
I would like to use this in the left frame (see full code below):
My question:
I wonder if this is widely supported.
The code: three pages: the frameset, the left frame and the right frame.
The frameset:
<frameset cols="25%,75%">
<frame src="thumbs.htm" name="left_frame">
<frame src="diapo.htm" name="right_frame">
The left frame (thumbs.htm):
<script language="javascript">
function change_img(N){ parent.right_frame.big_image.src=N + ".jpg"; }
<a href="javascript:change_img(1);"><img src="1s.jpg"></a>
<a href="javascript:change_img(2);"><img src="2s.jpg"></a>
The right frame (diapo.htm):
<img id="big_image" src="1.jpg">