Mad Matt
Thank you all in advance for any advice you can give,
I am new to asp.net and am working with visual studio using Visual
Basic and not C#. I am very familiar with regular asp and vbscript.
My question is as follows: I have a form with multiple panels that need
to be displayed when checkboxes are checked. My problem is that I need the
panels location to be set dynamically during run time when the check box is
checked. I have five check boxes and 1 or all can be checked. If one is
checked I want the location of the panel to be at the top middle of the page.
If more than one is checked I want the first one to display at top middle and
each successive panel directly below that one.
How do I accomplish? I have played with multiple different properties such
as .cssStyle to no avail. Again, I am very new to dot net and am sure this is
fairly easy to do but cannot figure it out.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.
I am new to asp.net and am working with visual studio using Visual
Basic and not C#. I am very familiar with regular asp and vbscript.
My question is as follows: I have a form with multiple panels that need
to be displayed when checkboxes are checked. My problem is that I need the
panels location to be set dynamically during run time when the check box is
checked. I have five check boxes and 1 or all can be checked. If one is
checked I want the location of the panel to be at the top middle of the page.
If more than one is checked I want the first one to display at top middle and
each successive panel directly below that one.
How do I accomplish? I have played with multiple different properties such
as .cssStyle to no avail. Again, I am very new to dot net and am sure this is
fairly easy to do but cannot figure it out.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You.