Jaspreet said:
I was wondering if the standard actually talks of stack or heap. I
guess not. But again I am playing a guessing game.
I would rather say that the memory is statically linked so you can
access the data even after you have exited the function.
Oh, btw what should my reply be to an interviewer who asks this
question ? I tried reasoning with him (and thats not in one interview
but many) in most polite terms (AFAIK) with above statements but he
would not listen. Please let me know what my response be.
If you need the job then say its on the stack because you cannot call
free() on it, or any containing object. Then if you get the job
compile the source yourrself, decompile it, then show him that it is in
the init segment. Then point him to documentation about how your OS
loads segments into memory, and that segments are not part of any
If you don't need the job that badly, or you reject the job for the
content of this question (and possibly others) then tell him to compile
it up for himself, trace it with a debugger and he will see that it is
neither on the stack, nor in the heap (the address ranges will almost
surely not match up -- and on a standard x86 you will *know* its not on
the stack because its not using stack instructions to access it). If
the interviewer is using the latest MS Visual studio, tell him to try
to execute p[0] = 'x', and ask him which of the heap or the stack he
thinks can contain read-only memory.