char vs int


Merrill & Michele

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char *p;
strcpy(p, "tja");
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;

Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ

Michael Mair

Merrill said:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char *p;

Check the return value of malloc. Always.
strcpy(p, "tja");

To be on the safe side, you could for example do
*p = '\0';
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;

Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ

p is a char *. It is definitely not a char or int.
Please follow the simple rule of rereading your message
before you send it as we otherwise have to guess what
you could have meant apart from the on average high
level of weirdness by which many of your messages are

My guess is:
"character constants are of type int and many functions
return int/have int parameters when we are dealing with
single characters -- why is it then that we store strings
in char arrays or memory pointed to by char * variables?"

Is that your question?
For that I have an answer.



Merrill & Michele said:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char *p;
strcpy(p, "tja");
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;

Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ

Becuase you are copying a char-array into it using a function which requires
a char*?


Merrill said:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char *p;
strcpy(p, "tja");
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;

Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ
Cause you, the programmer, made it a char pointer.
Which seems good, as you're coping a C string to it,
and strings are usually best manipulated as sequences
of chars, it is also what "%s" in your printf statement
would expect..

Robert Gamble

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char *p;
strcpy(p, "tja");
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;

Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ

p is a pointer to char, not a char, and this is because that is how you
defined it, why in the world would you expect it to be an int??

Rob Gamble

Thomas Stegen

Merrill said:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int main(void){
char *p;
strcpy(p, "tja");
printf("%s\n", p);
return 0;

Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ

Are you asking why chars are stored in variables of type char?
And p is not a char.

Honestly, I usually try to give the questioner the benefit of the doubt
and I apply a good amount of charity of interpretation, but your
question does not make sense to me. I cannot even tell if you saying
that p is of type char is a mistake or ignorance on your part.

Please tell us why you think p could have been an int (or probably
pointer to int) instead of a pointer to char. Are you by any chance
referring to the fact that getchar and getc returns ints and not chars?
(So you see, I might be beginning to understand your question after all
though I didn't when I wrote the previous paragraph. But still I need
you to ask it.)


Merrill & Michele said:
int main(void){
char *p;
strcpy(p, "tja");
Why is p a char and not an int? MPJ

I am going to assume that you are asking the following question.

Why do we store strings in arrays of char data types instead of arrays of
int data types?

Well I would answer that int data types while capable of holding the same
information as a char data type while doing so they are wasting X bytes of
space (size of X depends on the number of bytes in an int on the system
though on most 32 bit machines it is 4 bytes in length so there are 3 bytes

While this doesn't seem like much how about if you have a string buffer that
needs to store a 1024 characters. This would take up 1Kb of space using an
array of char data types but 4Kb of space (on most 32 bit machines again)
if it was using int data types.

If that is not your question then please repost with a clarified version and
I will have another go.

Merrill & Michele

J.L.Cooper said:
I am going to assume that you are asking the following question.

Why do we store strings in arrays of char data types instead of arrays of
int data types?

Well I would answer that int data types while capable of holding the same
information as a char data type while doing so they are wasting X bytes of
space (size of X depends on the number of bytes in an int on the system
though on most 32 bit machines it is 4 bytes in length so there are 3 bytes

While this doesn't seem like much how about if you have a string buffer that
needs to store a 1024 characters. This would take up 1Kb of space using an
array of char data types but 4Kb of space (on most 32 bit machines again)
if it was using int data types.

If that is not your question then please repost with a clarified version and
I will have another go.
Thanks all for replies. That I thought I had partitioned the choice of data
type in this question with int and char shows exactly what I don't
understand. I'll hit K&R and the FAQs and get back to you. MPJ

Dan Pop

Check the return value of malloc. Always.

That's good advice for code that is meant to be executed. It's bad advice
for code that is meant to merely illustrate a point, because the error
checking code distracts the reader from the real purpose of the code.
To be on the safe side, you could for example do
*p = '\0';

It's not any safer than the original, but it is less readable and has
higher maintenance overhead (the magical constant 4 appears in two places
instead of one).

Even in more complex examples, it is open to debate whether this is the
right thing to do: silently generating the *wrong* result is seldom a
better option than reporting an error. That's why strncat is seldom used
as a "safe" strcpy.


Merrill & Michele

[OP: Why is a char * a char and not an int]
Michael Mair: [insult snipped]
My guess is:
"character constants are of type int and many functions
return int/have int parameters when we are dealing with
single characters -- why is it then that we store strings
in char arrays or memory pointed to by char * variables?"
Is that your question?
For that I have an answer
I would imagine that your answer is similar to K&R §5.5 . But since I don't
get it, I would welcome the answer to that question.
Nils Selasdal:
Cause you, the programmer, made it a char pointer.
Which seems good, as you're cop[y]ing a C string to it,
and strings are usually best manipulated as sequences
of chars, it is also what "%s" in your printf statement
would expect..

K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C: char, int, float,
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Merrill & Michele

Thomas Stegen said:
Are you asking why chars are stored in variables of type char?
And p is not a char.

Honestly, I usually try to give the questioner the benefit of the doubt
and I apply a good amount of charity of interpretation, but your
question does not make sense to me. I cannot even tell if you saying
that p is of type char is a mistake or ignorance on your part.

Don't underestimate my ability to be simultaneously mistaken and ignorant.
Please tell us why you think p could have been an int (or probably
pointer to int) instead of a pointer to char. Are you by any chance
referring to the fact that getchar and getc returns ints and not chars?
(So you see, I might be beginning to understand your question after all
though I didn't when I wrote the previous paragraph. But still I need
you to ask it.)

I think you're getting at one aspect of my confusion. MPJ

Michael Mair

Merrill said:
[OP: Why is a char * a char and not an int]
Michael Mair:
"character constants are of type int and many functions
return int/have int parameters when we are dealing with
single characters -- why is it then that we store strings
in char arrays or memory pointed to by char * variables?"
Is that your question?
For that I have an answer

I would imagine that your answer is similar to K&R §5.5 .
> But since I don't get it, I would welcome the answer to
> that question.

It has been answered by others in this thread. So, here's
the short of it:
- 'a' is a character constant. A variable of type char can
hold a variable constant. The constant itself could also
be (in a non-portable way) expressed as a number in the
range [CHAR_MIN,...,CHAR_MAX]. Integer constants without
u/U, l/L or a combination are considered to be of type int.
- As characters and character constants can be (from the
C type point of view) most efficiently be stored in
char variables, we use char arrays to store more than one
of them instead of int arrays. If there is a value 0 in
this char array, we have a C string (terminated by 0, or
'\0' if you like that better).
- We only talk of "strings" if the array is a char array.
- Functions dealing with strings expect dealing with char
arrays or memory areas pointed to by char *.

Nils Selasdal:
Cause you, the programmer, made it a char pointer.
Which seems good, as you're cop[y]ing a C string to it,
and strings are usually best manipulated as sequences
of chars, it is also what "%s" in your printf statement
would expect..

K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C:
> char, int, float, double."
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Yes. 'Tis.
You seem to have problems wrapping your mind around the
concept of pointers. Is this right?
If no, are you comfortable with the relationship between
pointers and arrays? Else: What do you think an array is?
Do you understand why there is a difference between
passing a variable's value or its adress?

If your actual problem is with pointers, you should try
to pin down your difficulties, have a peek at the FAQ
(most people think along similar lines when it comes
to misunderstanding pointers), reread the chapter in K&R
and come back here to ask the questions left.
Please formulate them in a succinct but precise way (if
necessary, do a definition of terms first).


Michael Mair

Merrill said:
>>> [OP: Why is a char * a char and not an int]
>> Michael Mair:
>> "character constants are of type int and many functions
>> return int/have int parameters when we are dealing with
>> single characters -- why is it then that we store strings
>> in char arrays or memory pointed to by char * variables?"
>> Is that your question?
>> For that I have an answer
> I would imagine that your answer is similar to K&R §5.5 .
> But since I don't get it, I would welcome the answer to
> that question.

It has been answered by others in this thread. So, here's
the short of it:
- 'a' is a character constant. A variable of type char can
hold a character constant. The constant itself could also
be (in a non-portable way) expressed as a number in the
range [CHAR_MIN,...,CHAR_MAX]. Integer constants without
u/U, l/L or a combination are considered to be of type int.
- As characters and character constants can be (from the
C type point of view) most efficiently be stored in
char variables, we use char arrays to store more than one
of them instead of int arrays. If there is a value 0 in
this char array, we have a C string (terminated by 0, or
'\0' if you like that better).
- We only talk of "strings" if the array is a char array.
- Functions dealing with strings expect dealing with char
arrays or memory areas pointed to by char *.

>> Nils Selasdal:
>> Cause you, the programmer, made it a char pointer.
>> Which seems good, as you're cop[y]ing a C string to it,
>> and strings are usually best manipulated as sequences
>> of chars, it is also what "%s" in your printf statement
>> would expect..
> K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C:

> char, int, float, double."
> Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Yes. 'Tis.
You seem to have problems wrapping your mind around the
concept of pointers. Is this right?
If no, are you comfortable with the relationship between
pointers and arrays? Else: What do you think an array is?
Do you understand why there is a difference between
passing a variable's value or its adress?

If your actual problem is with pointers, you should try
to pin down your difficulties, have a peek at the FAQ
(most people think along similar lines when it comes
to misunderstanding pointers), reread the chapter in K&R
and come back here to ask the questions left.
Please formulate them in a succinct but precise way (if
necessary, do a definition of terms first).


Lawrence Kirby

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 10:23:15 -0600, Merrill & Michele wrote:

K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C: char, int, float,
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

char * is a data type, but it is a derived type, not a basic type. char *
is derived from char. int ** is derived from int * which in turn is
derived from int.


Mike Wahler

K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C: char, int, float,
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Yes, they both are types, but not 'basic types'.
They are 'derived types'.

See ISO 9899:1999 6.2.5/14 and 6.2.5/20


Merrill & Michele

Michael Mair said:
[OP: Why is a char * a char and not an int]
K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C:
char, int, float, double."
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Yes. 'Tis.

Your posts were identical to my eye. Am I right to think that the four
basic data types followed by any number of asterisks are unique data types?
E.g. int * is as different from int *** as a char is from a double.
You seem to have problems wrapping your mind around the
concept of pointers. Is this right?

I can't wrap my mind around a lot of things, e.g. how airfoil can lift
something like a tank, yet I fly. The problem with the K&R development
right now is that everything has to come together. I think it's more to the
point that I'm simultaneously struggling with functions. What I'd like to
do is revisit the derangement code but with the static int myrand that you
suggested. I'll have to find a hard copy of it. That I can't follow
program control through these calls is a serious hurdle.
If no, are you comfortable with the relationship between
pointers and arrays? Else: What do you think an array is?
Do you understand why there is a difference between
passing a variable's value or its adress?

o.k. on all that for the time being. That's a Fehlleistung on the spelling
of Anschrift.
If your actual problem is with pointers, you should try
to pin down your difficulties, have a peek at the FAQ
(most people think along similar lines when it comes
to misunderstanding pointers), reread the chapter in K&R
and come back here to ask the questions left.
Please formulate them in a succinct but precise way (if
necessary, do a definition of terms first).

I spent two hours in the FAQs today, one hour in K&R, and it's noon. I'm
going to see if I can find the answer at the watering hole. MPJ

Eric Sosman

Merrill said:
K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C: char, int, float,
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Those are "derived type," as others have mentioned.
But what about `short int', `long int', and `long double'?
And then there are the `unsigned' variants ... Despite
the multi-word names, these are in no sense "derived"
types. Finally there's `void' -- which might be excluded
from the ranks of "data types" by virtue of its weirdness.

My guess is that one needs to read a little more of
K&R's context to understand what they mean by "basic."

Merrill & Michele

Merrill said:
K&R §2.2: "There are only a few basic data types in C: char, int, float,
Is char * a data type? How about int **? MPJ

Those are "derived type," as others have mentioned.
But what about `short int', `long int', and `long double'?
And then there are the `unsigned' variants ... Despite
the multi-word names, these are in no sense "derived"
types. Finally there's `void' -- which might be excluded
from the ranks of "data types" by virtue of its weirdness.

My guess is that one needs to read a little more of
K&R's context to understand what they mean by "basic."

You'd be stuck reading tea leaves with the K&R context here. short, long,
signed and unsigned are mentioned along with the basic data declarations,
but I have yet to stumble across a sentence that says, "well folks, chp. 2
is long behind us, and we're going to nuance this discussion of type." And
please don't ask me why Mr. Sosman's comments don't have arrows on them.


Merrill said:
Those are "derived type," as others have mentioned.
But what about `short int', `long int', and `long double'?
And then there are the `unsigned' variants ... Despite
the multi-word names, these are in no sense "derived"
types. Finally there's `void' -- which might be excluded
from the ranks of "data types" by virtue of its weirdness.

void is an incomplete type, not an object type.

Lawrence Kirby

On Thu, 18 Nov 2004 12:07:58 -0600, Merrill & Michele wrote:

Your posts were identical to my eye. Am I right to think that the four
basic data types followed by any number of asterisks are unique data types?
E.g. int * is as different from int *** as a char is from a double.

Yes int * and int *** are different types. You can't assign one to the
other and doing so wouldn't make a lot of sense. One can point to objects
of type int, the other to objects of type int **.


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