I have been migrating ASP applications from IIS4.0/NT4.0 to
IIS5.0/W2K. All the applications working perfectly except one. This
particular application will make use of asp chart object.
Sub BuildGraph(rate(), name,color,chartHight,chartWidth)
ctBar = 5
cNone = 0
cGradient = 6
'***** Delete old jpg's ****
ON error resume next
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Instantiate the Chart component
rem **********************************************************************
Set Chart = Server.CreateObject ("ASPChart.Chart")
Chart.AddSeries (ctBar)
Chart.VertAxisMax= 100
Chart.VertAxisMin = 90
for i = 1 to 12
if rate(i) <> 0 then
Chart.AddValue rate(i), MonthName(i,TRUE) , color
end if
Chart.BarStyle = cGradient
Chart.LegendVisible = false
Chart.AddAxisLabel 2,name
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Set the PanelColor, remove the OuterBevel
rem **********************************************************************
Chart.PanelColor = vbWhite
Chart.BevelOuter = cNone
Chart.ChartBGColor = vbWhite
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Set the Width and Height of the image
rem **********************************************************************
Chart.Height = chartHight '100
Chart.Width = chartWidth '300
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Set the filename, save the image and write the image tag
rem **********************************************************************
rem dir_path value "d:\inetpub\download"
Chart.FileName = Application("dir_path")& Session.SessionID & name &
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Destroy the object
rem **********************************************************************
Set Chart = nothing
End sub
This code is in functions_share.asp
The above sub being called from the xyz.asp (located in the same
folder as "download" folder is) as following:
If Session("GRAPH_type")="abc" or Session("GRAPH_type")="def" then
Call BuildGraph(filled_rate,"Chart Name",vbBlue,100,300)
<td><img src="./download/<%=Session.SessionID%>Chart%20Name.jpg"></td>
The problem with the above blocks of codes is " JPG are not created
!". I have given enough permissions to write to "download" folder.
What am I missing here.
Any help in this direction appreciated...
I have been migrating ASP applications from IIS4.0/NT4.0 to
IIS5.0/W2K. All the applications working perfectly except one. This
particular application will make use of asp chart object.
Sub BuildGraph(rate(), name,color,chartHight,chartWidth)
ctBar = 5
cNone = 0
cGradient = 6
'***** Delete old jpg's ****
ON error resume next
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Instantiate the Chart component
rem **********************************************************************
Set Chart = Server.CreateObject ("ASPChart.Chart")
Chart.AddSeries (ctBar)
Chart.VertAxisMax= 100
Chart.VertAxisMin = 90
for i = 1 to 12
if rate(i) <> 0 then
Chart.AddValue rate(i), MonthName(i,TRUE) , color
end if
Chart.BarStyle = cGradient
Chart.LegendVisible = false
Chart.AddAxisLabel 2,name
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Set the PanelColor, remove the OuterBevel
rem **********************************************************************
Chart.PanelColor = vbWhite
Chart.BevelOuter = cNone
Chart.ChartBGColor = vbWhite
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Set the Width and Height of the image
rem **********************************************************************
Chart.Height = chartHight '100
Chart.Width = chartWidth '300
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Set the filename, save the image and write the image tag
rem **********************************************************************
rem dir_path value "d:\inetpub\download"
Chart.FileName = Application("dir_path")& Session.SessionID & name &
rem **********************************************************************
rem * Destroy the object
rem **********************************************************************
Set Chart = nothing
End sub
This code is in functions_share.asp
The above sub being called from the xyz.asp (located in the same
folder as "download" folder is) as following:
If Session("GRAPH_type")="abc" or Session("GRAPH_type")="def" then
Call BuildGraph(filled_rate,"Chart Name",vbBlue,100,300)
<td><img src="./download/<%=Session.SessionID%>Chart%20Name.jpg"></td>
The problem with the above blocks of codes is " JPG are not created
!". I have given enough permissions to write to "download" folder.
What am I missing here.
Any help in this direction appreciated...