Xing Rong
I have an asp page to authenticate users by checking their
uid and password:
If (request("UID") = "user" and request("Password") = "pwd") then
session("UID") = "user"
Session.Timeout= 300
End if
For other ASP pages, I have
if not IsUser() then response.redirect "Login.asp"
-- Here is the function
function IsUser ()
IsUser = False
if session("UID") = "user " then IsUser = True
End function
I also have a help link on each page. If you click the
link, a child window pops up using javascript.
<a href="#" onClick="openWindow
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function openWindow (theURL,winName,features) {
Now, My problem is: I click the link, a pop-up child
window opened, I close the child window, back to the
parent page and refresh, it redirect me to the login page. Looks like
the session is terminated.
However, If I first login to my Yahoo email account and re-
do the above, no problems at all.
Is it strange? Anyone has any ideas?
uid and password:
If (request("UID") = "user" and request("Password") = "pwd") then
session("UID") = "user"
Session.Timeout= 300
End if
For other ASP pages, I have
if not IsUser() then response.redirect "Login.asp"
-- Here is the function
function IsUser ()
IsUser = False
if session("UID") = "user " then IsUser = True
End function
I also have a help link on each page. If you click the
link, a child window pops up using javascript.
<a href="#" onClick="openWindow
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript">
function openWindow (theURL,winName,features) {
Now, My problem is: I click the link, a pop-up child
window opened, I close the child window, back to the
parent page and refresh, it redirect me to the login page. Looks like
the session is terminated.
However, If I first login to my Yahoo email account and re-
do the above, no problems at all.
Is it strange? Anyone has any ideas?