I have a page which, according to the boss's instructions, needs to show one
of two things, based on which radio button was chosen on the previous page.
Because these 'things' are actually some chunks of code which contain sql
queries, loops, etc., I think it might be best to put each of them into an
Will this work:
<%If strReports = "Detailed" then%>
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="builddetailedreport.asp" -->
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="buildsummary.asp" -->
<%End if%>
Or would it be better to do a response.write?
<%If strReports = "Detailed" then
Response.write "<!-- #INCLUDE FILE='builddetailedreport.asp'--> "
Response.write "<!-- #INCLUDE FILE='buildsummary.asp' --> "
End if%>
of two things, based on which radio button was chosen on the previous page.
Because these 'things' are actually some chunks of code which contain sql
queries, loops, etc., I think it might be best to put each of them into an
Will this work:
<%If strReports = "Detailed" then%>
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="builddetailedreport.asp" -->
<!-- #INCLUDE FILE="buildsummary.asp" -->
<%End if%>
Or would it be better to do a response.write?
<%If strReports = "Detailed" then
Response.write "<!-- #INCLUDE FILE='builddetailedreport.asp'--> "
Response.write "<!-- #INCLUDE FILE='buildsummary.asp' --> "
End if%>