Hello, and thanks in advance for your help. I have code (below) used
for adding emails from a user textbox to a flat file. The user is
asked to separate emails with a carriage return. Some times they will
use 2 carriage returns. The code is designed to separate emails by
returns, remove returns and then add them before writing. It is not
working perfectly. Some times chopping the last letter off, sometimes
not removing carriage returns. I'm sure there is a better way to do
this. Any help is appreciated.
sub bulk_emails
my ($newemail, $bademail, $email);
$checkemail = param('checkemail');
@emails= split(/\n/, $checkemail);
foreach $email(@emails){
chop $email;
chomp ($email) if ($email=~ /\n$/);
chomp ($email) if ($email=~ /\n$/);
unless ($email =~ /.*\@.*\..*/) {
$newemail .= "$email\n";
open (USERS, ">>$userpath/lists/$list") || &error("$userpath/lists/
$list Update Account" , __FILE__, __LINE__,);
print USERS "$newemail";
close (USERS);
&success("Your Bulk emails have been added to the list");
}#new email
else{ &error("There were No REAL emails in your list");
for adding emails from a user textbox to a flat file. The user is
asked to separate emails with a carriage return. Some times they will
use 2 carriage returns. The code is designed to separate emails by
returns, remove returns and then add them before writing. It is not
working perfectly. Some times chopping the last letter off, sometimes
not removing carriage returns. I'm sure there is a better way to do
this. Any help is appreciated.
sub bulk_emails
my ($newemail, $bademail, $email);
$checkemail = param('checkemail');
@emails= split(/\n/, $checkemail);
foreach $email(@emails){
chop $email;
chomp ($email) if ($email=~ /\n$/);
chomp ($email) if ($email=~ /\n$/);
unless ($email =~ /.*\@.*\..*/) {
$newemail .= "$email\n";
open (USERS, ">>$userpath/lists/$list") || &error("$userpath/lists/
$list Update Account" , __FILE__, __LINE__,);
print USERS "$newemail";
close (USERS);
&success("Your Bulk emails have been added to the list");
}#new email
else{ &error("There were No REAL emails in your list");