Thomas Bartkus
If I insert an __init__ method in my own class definition, it is incumbent
upon me to call the __init__ of any declared ancester to my new class object
because my __init__ will override that of any ancester I declare in the
header. If I fail to call the ancesters __init__, then it won't happen.
The ancester object won't be initialized.
If I *don't* insert my own __init__ in my new class, then any declared
ancester __init__ will automatically run because I haven't overridden the
ancesters __init__ method with my own.
Did I get that straight?
Thomas Bartkus
upon me to call the __init__ of any declared ancester to my new class object
because my __init__ will override that of any ancester I declare in the
header. If I fail to call the ancesters __init__, then it won't happen.
The ancester object won't be initialized.
If I *don't* insert my own __init__ in my new class, then any declared
ancester __init__ will automatically run because I haven't overridden the
ancesters __init__ method with my own.
Did I get that straight?
Thomas Bartkus