I'm hoping this isn't too off topic, but I'm not sure if I've included some
of my member functions in the right class. I needed to develop numerous
functions to help define object A. These functions currently exist in the
class definition for object A. The thing is, there is another object (B)
who's job it is to call these functions when the app starts up, defining all
possibilities for object A's, then allow future object A's to look up its
attributes from object B without having to re-compute them all over again.
This is a big cost savings. Now realizing that the functions mentioned
above only get called by object B (once), shouldn't they be defined in
object B? Or is this one of those 'same difference' kind of things?
of my member functions in the right class. I needed to develop numerous
functions to help define object A. These functions currently exist in the
class definition for object A. The thing is, there is another object (B)
who's job it is to call these functions when the app starts up, defining all
possibilities for object A's, then allow future object A's to look up its
attributes from object B without having to re-compute them all over again.
This is a big cost savings. Now realizing that the functions mentioned
above only get called by object B (once), shouldn't they be defined in
object B? Or is this one of those 'same difference' kind of things?