I've got a program that's almost done, but I'm getting compile errors in
two lines: 317 & 319. I think the main error has to do with the Truck Class.
I'm a newbie and keep looking at the code but can't seem to see the
error. I don't understand a lot of the fancy stuff so if you can keep it
simple for me!!!! Any help is appreciated!
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Declaration of Person Class
class Person
Person (string theName);
Person (const Person& theObject);
string getName() const;
void setName(string newName);
Person& operator=(const Person& rtSide);
friend istream& operator >>(istream& inStream,
Person& personObject);
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream,
const Person& personObject);
string name;
// Declaration of Vehicle Class
class Vehicle
Vehicle(string m, int cyl, Person p);
Vehicle(const Vehicle& theObject);
string getManufacturer() const;
int getCylinders() const;
Person getOwner() const;
void setManufacturer(string maker);
void setCylinders(int cylinders);
void setOwner (Person p);
void output();
// Outputs the data members of the class appropriately labeled
Vehicle& operator=(const Vehicle& rtSide);
string manufacturer;
int numCylinders;
Person owner;
// Declaration of Truck Class
class Truck : public Vehicle
Truck(string m, int cyl, Person p, double load, int tow);
Truck(const Truck& theObject);
double getLoadCapacity() const;
int getTowingCapacity() const;
void setLoadCapacity(double newLoad);
void setTowingCapacity(int newTowing);
void output();
// Outputs the data members appropriately labeled.
Truck& operator=(const Truck& rtSide);
double loadCapacity;
int towingCapacity;
// main function
int main()
// Variable declarations
string ownerName;
string manufacturerName;
int numCyl;
double load;
int towingCapacity;
cout << endl;
cout << "Testing Truck and Person classes..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "First create 3 trucks..." << endl;
cout << "Truck A ... " << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of the owner: ";
cin >> ownerName;
cout << "Enter the number of cylinders: ";
cin >> numCyl;
cout << "Enter the name of the manufacturer: ";
cin >> manufacturerName;
cout << "Enter the load capacity: ";
cin >> load;
cout << "Enter the towing capacity: ";
cin >> towingCapacity;
Truck truckA;
Person ownerA;
cout << "Using the mutator functions to set up the owner and truck
A..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter data for Truck B ... " << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of the owner: ";
cin >> ownerName;
cout << "Enter the number of cylinders: ";
cin >> numCyl;
cout << "Enter the name of the manufacturer: ";
cin >> manufacturerName;
cout << "Enter the load capacity: ";
cin >> load;
cout << "Enter the towing capacity: ";
cin >> towingCapacity;
cout << endl;
cout << "Using the constructor with 5 arguments to create Truck B..."
<< endl;
Person ownerB(ownerName);
Truck truckB(manufacturerName, numCyl, ownerB, load, towingCapacity);
cout << "Using the copy constructor to create Truck C as a copy of
Truck A..." << endl;
Truck truckC(truckA);
cout << "Using the accessor functions to print the truck info ..." <<
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck A ..." << endl;
cout << "Owner: " << truckA.getOwner() << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << truckA.getManufacturer() << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << truckA.getCylinders() << endl;
cout << "Load Capacity: " << truckA.getLoadCapacity() << endl;
cout << "Towing Capacity: " << truckA.getTowingCapacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck B ..." << endl;
cout << "Owner: " << truckB.getOwner() << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << truckB.getManufacturer() << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << truckB.getCylinders() << endl;
cout << "Load Capacity: " << truckB.getLoadCapacity() << endl;
cout << "Towing Capacity: " << truckB.getTowingCapacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck C ..." << endl;
cout << "Owner: " << truckC.getOwner() << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << truckC.getManufacturer() << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << truckC.getCylinders() << endl;
cout << "Load Capacity: " << truckC.getLoadCapacity() << endl;
cout << "Towing Capacity: " << truckC.getTowingCapacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter a new owner name for Truck C: ";
Person ownerC;
cin >> ownerC;
cout << "Enter a new towing capacity for Truck C: ";
cin >> towingCapacity;
cout << "Enter a new manufacturer for Truck B: ";
cin >> manufacturerName;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Truck B after the changes..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck C after the changes..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Testing the assignment operators..." << endl;
cout << "Testing truckA = truckB" << endl;
cout << endl;
truckA = truckB;
cout << "Press any letter to see the results...";
cin >> ownerName;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck A " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck B" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Making some changes..." << endl;
cout << "Enter a load capacity for truck A: ";
cin >> load;
cout << "Setting the owner of truck A to Bo" << endl;
truckA.setOwner(Person ("Bo"));
cout << "Changing owner of truck B to the ower of truck C" << endl;
ownerB = ownerC;
cout << "Enter a new number of cylinders for truck B: ";
cin >> numCyl;
cout << endl;
cout << "After the changes ..." << endl;
cout << "Truck A " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck B" << endl;
cout << endl << "The end..." << endl;
return 0;
// Vehicle Class Definitions
Vehicle::Vehicle (string m, int cyl, Person p):manufacturer(m),
numCylinders(cyl), owner(p)
Vehicle::Vehicle(const Vehicle& theObject)
manufacturer = theObject.manufacturer;
numCylinders = theObject.numCylinders;
owner = theObject.owner;
string Vehicle::getManufacturer() const
return manufacturer;
int Vehicle::getCylinders() const
return numCylinders;
Person Vehicle::getOwner() const
return owner;
void Vehicle::setManufacturer (string m)
manufacturer = m;
void Vehicle::setCylinders(int n)
numCylinders = n;
void Vehicle::setOwner(Person p)
owner = p;
void Vehicle:utput()
cout << "Owner: " << owner << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << manufacturer << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << numCylinders << endl;
Vehicle& Vehicle:perator=(const Vehicle& rtSide)
manufacturer = rtSide.manufacturer;
numCylinders = rtSide.numCylinders;
owner = rtSide.owner;
return *this;
// Truck Class Definitions
Truck::Truck(string m, int cyl, double load, int tow, Person
p):manufacturer(m), numCylinders(cyl), LoadCapacity(load),
TowingCapacity(tow), owner(p)
Truck::Truck(const Truck& theObject)
loadCapacity = theObject.loadCapacity;
towingCapcity = theObject.towingCapacity;
double Truck::getLoadCapacity()const
return loadCapacity;
int Truck::getTowingCapacity()const
return towingCapacity;
void Truck::setLoadCapacity(double newLoad)
void Truck::setTowingCapacity(int newTowing)
void Truck:utput()
cout<<"Load Capaciy:"<<LoadCapacity<<endl;
cout<<"Tow Capacity:"<<TowingCapacity<<endl;
return *this;
// Person Class Definitions
Person:erson(string theName):newName(theName)
Person:erson(const Person& theObject)
string Person::getnewName()const
return newName;
void Person::setnewName(string theName)
void Person:utput()
return *this;
I've got a program that's almost done, but I'm getting compile errors in
two lines: 317 & 319. I think the main error has to do with the Truck Class.
I'm a newbie and keep looking at the code but can't seem to see the
error. I don't understand a lot of the fancy stuff so if you can keep it
simple for me!!!! Any help is appreciated!
Here is the code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Declaration of Person Class
class Person
Person (string theName);
Person (const Person& theObject);
string getName() const;
void setName(string newName);
Person& operator=(const Person& rtSide);
friend istream& operator >>(istream& inStream,
Person& personObject);
friend ostream& operator <<(ostream& outStream,
const Person& personObject);
string name;
// Declaration of Vehicle Class
class Vehicle
Vehicle(string m, int cyl, Person p);
Vehicle(const Vehicle& theObject);
string getManufacturer() const;
int getCylinders() const;
Person getOwner() const;
void setManufacturer(string maker);
void setCylinders(int cylinders);
void setOwner (Person p);
void output();
// Outputs the data members of the class appropriately labeled
Vehicle& operator=(const Vehicle& rtSide);
string manufacturer;
int numCylinders;
Person owner;
// Declaration of Truck Class
class Truck : public Vehicle
Truck(string m, int cyl, Person p, double load, int tow);
Truck(const Truck& theObject);
double getLoadCapacity() const;
int getTowingCapacity() const;
void setLoadCapacity(double newLoad);
void setTowingCapacity(int newTowing);
void output();
// Outputs the data members appropriately labeled.
Truck& operator=(const Truck& rtSide);
double loadCapacity;
int towingCapacity;
// main function
int main()
// Variable declarations
string ownerName;
string manufacturerName;
int numCyl;
double load;
int towingCapacity;
cout << endl;
cout << "Testing Truck and Person classes..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "First create 3 trucks..." << endl;
cout << "Truck A ... " << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of the owner: ";
cin >> ownerName;
cout << "Enter the number of cylinders: ";
cin >> numCyl;
cout << "Enter the name of the manufacturer: ";
cin >> manufacturerName;
cout << "Enter the load capacity: ";
cin >> load;
cout << "Enter the towing capacity: ";
cin >> towingCapacity;
Truck truckA;
Person ownerA;
cout << "Using the mutator functions to set up the owner and truck
A..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter data for Truck B ... " << endl;
cout << "Enter the name of the owner: ";
cin >> ownerName;
cout << "Enter the number of cylinders: ";
cin >> numCyl;
cout << "Enter the name of the manufacturer: ";
cin >> manufacturerName;
cout << "Enter the load capacity: ";
cin >> load;
cout << "Enter the towing capacity: ";
cin >> towingCapacity;
cout << endl;
cout << "Using the constructor with 5 arguments to create Truck B..."
<< endl;
Person ownerB(ownerName);
Truck truckB(manufacturerName, numCyl, ownerB, load, towingCapacity);
cout << "Using the copy constructor to create Truck C as a copy of
Truck A..." << endl;
Truck truckC(truckA);
cout << "Using the accessor functions to print the truck info ..." <<
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck A ..." << endl;
cout << "Owner: " << truckA.getOwner() << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << truckA.getManufacturer() << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << truckA.getCylinders() << endl;
cout << "Load Capacity: " << truckA.getLoadCapacity() << endl;
cout << "Towing Capacity: " << truckA.getTowingCapacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck B ..." << endl;
cout << "Owner: " << truckB.getOwner() << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << truckB.getManufacturer() << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << truckB.getCylinders() << endl;
cout << "Load Capacity: " << truckB.getLoadCapacity() << endl;
cout << "Towing Capacity: " << truckB.getTowingCapacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck C ..." << endl;
cout << "Owner: " << truckC.getOwner() << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << truckC.getManufacturer() << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << truckC.getCylinders() << endl;
cout << "Load Capacity: " << truckC.getLoadCapacity() << endl;
cout << "Towing Capacity: " << truckC.getTowingCapacity() << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Enter a new owner name for Truck C: ";
Person ownerC;
cin >> ownerC;
cout << "Enter a new towing capacity for Truck C: ";
cin >> towingCapacity;
cout << "Enter a new manufacturer for Truck B: ";
cin >> manufacturerName;
cout << endl << endl;
cout << "Truck B after the changes..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck C after the changes..." << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Testing the assignment operators..." << endl;
cout << "Testing truckA = truckB" << endl;
cout << endl;
truckA = truckB;
cout << "Press any letter to see the results...";
cin >> ownerName;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck A " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck B" << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Making some changes..." << endl;
cout << "Enter a load capacity for truck A: ";
cin >> load;
cout << "Setting the owner of truck A to Bo" << endl;
truckA.setOwner(Person ("Bo"));
cout << "Changing owner of truck B to the ower of truck C" << endl;
ownerB = ownerC;
cout << "Enter a new number of cylinders for truck B: ";
cin >> numCyl;
cout << endl;
cout << "After the changes ..." << endl;
cout << "Truck A " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "Truck B" << endl;
cout << endl << "The end..." << endl;
return 0;
// Vehicle Class Definitions
Vehicle::Vehicle (string m, int cyl, Person p):manufacturer(m),
numCylinders(cyl), owner(p)
Vehicle::Vehicle(const Vehicle& theObject)
manufacturer = theObject.manufacturer;
numCylinders = theObject.numCylinders;
owner = theObject.owner;
string Vehicle::getManufacturer() const
return manufacturer;
int Vehicle::getCylinders() const
return numCylinders;
Person Vehicle::getOwner() const
return owner;
void Vehicle::setManufacturer (string m)
manufacturer = m;
void Vehicle::setCylinders(int n)
numCylinders = n;
void Vehicle::setOwner(Person p)
owner = p;
void Vehicle:utput()
cout << "Owner: " << owner << endl;
cout << "Manufacturer: " << manufacturer << endl;
cout << "Number of Cylinders: " << numCylinders << endl;
Vehicle& Vehicle:perator=(const Vehicle& rtSide)
manufacturer = rtSide.manufacturer;
numCylinders = rtSide.numCylinders;
owner = rtSide.owner;
return *this;
// Truck Class Definitions
Truck::Truck(string m, int cyl, double load, int tow, Person
p):manufacturer(m), numCylinders(cyl), LoadCapacity(load),
TowingCapacity(tow), owner(p)
Truck::Truck(const Truck& theObject)
loadCapacity = theObject.loadCapacity;
towingCapcity = theObject.towingCapacity;
double Truck::getLoadCapacity()const
return loadCapacity;
int Truck::getTowingCapacity()const
return towingCapacity;
void Truck::setLoadCapacity(double newLoad)
void Truck::setTowingCapacity(int newTowing)
void Truck:utput()
cout<<"Load Capaciy:"<<LoadCapacity<<endl;
cout<<"Tow Capacity:"<<TowingCapacity<<endl;
return *this;
// Person Class Definitions
Person:erson(string theName):newName(theName)
Person:erson(const Person& theObject)
string Person::getnewName()const
return newName;
void Person::setnewName(string theName)
void Person:utput()
return *this;