I'd like to know if i need mutexs to lock the use of
member methods of a class instance shared between
several threads via a pointer? if the method modify
member variables, i know that mutexs are needed but
the case that interrest me is when the method never
modify a member variable. I really have no idea cause
i don't know if the process duplicate the method in
memory for each threads or if the local variables of
this method are shared by all the threads.
thanks a lot for your help, i just begin C++ and i
don't figure out all the subtleties of classes yet
I'd like to know if i need mutexs to lock the use of
member methods of a class instance shared between
several threads via a pointer? if the method modify
member variables, i know that mutexs are needed but
the case that interrest me is when the method never
modify a member variable. I really have no idea cause
i don't know if the process duplicate the method in
memory for each threads or if the local variables of
this method are shared by all the threads.
thanks a lot for your help, i just begin C++ and i
don't figure out all the subtleties of classes yet