Antoon said:
I am not proposing specific behaviour. Because if I do, you will
just try to argue how much worst my proposed behaviour is.
Whether or not I can come up with a better proposal is irrelevant
to how sane the current behaviour is.
If you can't provide a superior alternative then you have little right
to be questioning the present behavior. Honestly, you are like a child
with a whistle who keeps blowing the whistle to the annoyance of all
around it simply because it likes being able to make the noise, and
causing the annoyance.
How many times do I have to repeat myself. I'm not proposing a change
to the language.
So you have a clear impression that Python's current behavior is
unsatisfactory enough to be called "unsane" which, when challenged, you
insist simply means not at the extreme end of some imaginary sanity
scale you have constructed for the purpose if bending English to your
will. And you refuse to propose anything further towards the sane end of
the scale because people will try to argue that your proposal would be
worse than the existing behavior. Good grief, I though I was dealing
with an adult here, but I must be mistaken.Well you are repeatedly call one aspect of the Python inheritance model
insane. You appear to feel that repetition of an argument will make it
more true, which is sadly not the case.
I haven't written that once. You may think that you can imply it from
what I wrote, but then that is your inferance and not my words.
But you clearly don't perceive this as being related to Python's
inheritance mechanism, presumably because you aren't prepared to accept
that an instance inherits names from its class just like a class
inherits names from its superclass.
Well maybe English works differently from dutch, but I thought there
were a whole lot of gradation between sane and insane. And not being
sane IMO just means not being at one end of the extreme while being
insane meant to be at the other end of the extreme.
So when something doesn't make complete sense, instead of it making
no sense at all, I would think that wording it as unsane instead of
insane resembles best what I intended to mean.
Ah, so Python isn't the only language you find insufficiently
expressive. I normally give some leeway to those whose first language
isn't English, but this particular bloody-mindedness has gone on long
enough. I'd call your behavior imhelpful here.
So, are we talking about 0.1% insane, 10% insane or 90% insane. For
someone who is so pedantic you are being insanely vague here. You can
hardly blame people for concluding you just like the sound of your own
voice (metaphorically speaking).
I wasn't trolling. I just threw in an off hand remark. That you got so
heated up about that remark is not my responsibility. I'm not trolling
because I'm willing to defend my remark and I don't intend to get
people to get heated up about it. I just don't hold back because
people may get heated up about it.
The defense of your original remark implies very strongly that it wasn't
offhand, and that you are indeed trolling. Hence the reduction in the
frequency of my replies. You make it more and more difficult to take you
seriously. Particularly since you have now resorted to a defense which
involves refusing to define a non-existent word in any but the vaguest
terms - you are trying to specify a position on the imaginary continuum
of sanity, but you don't say how close to which end you are trying to
specify. This puts you somewhere between "barmy" and "crackpot" on my
own personal scale.
If I would be whining I would want the behaviour changed. I would just
keep complaining about it until someone else would have changed it.
Instead you just keep complaining about it, full stop. Since we are all
now fully aware of your opinions, couldn't you just shut up, or do we
have to send you to your room without any supper? Whine, whine, whine.
Sure I would prefer it changed, but it is not that I *want* it to
change. I'll happily continue with python if it doesn't change.
That's sort of a pity. At this stage I'd recommend Ruby just to be rid
of the incessant twaddle you come up with to defend your throwaway ideas.
Maybe when someone mentions something negative about python,
you shouldn't translate that into someone demanding a change
in python.
Well fine, in that case it won't even change if I do come up with
an alternative proposal. So why should I bother?
Absolutely no reason at all. It's already transparently obvious that you
don't have a better alternative and you continue to troll simply because
it validates your particular (and increasingly peculiar) needs.
Every time I reply to you my spell checker looks at your name and shows
me a dialog with an "ignore all" button on it. I have this increasing
suspicion that it's trying to tell me something.